Liberally meaning in hindi
As adverb : उदारतापूर्वक Ex:  Fnords are scattered liberally in the text of newspapers and magazines
Other :
उदारता से Ex:  The Tsar liberally rewarded Chernyayev and his men with medals and bonuses
ExamplesLiberally synonyms
lavishly abundantly extensively richly properly adequately appropriately completely enough greatly profusely rightly substantially suitably thoroughly well acceptably bountifully capaciously copiously fittingly plenteously plentifully readily cleanly lightly effortlessly as one pleases extravagantly facilely like water loosely open-handedly unhindered unobstructedly unstintingly with a free hand without encumbrance without hindrance without restraint without stint nobly magnanimously munificently chiefly generally mostly widely principally considerably grandly magnificently mainly overall primarily broadly predominantly as a rule by and large commodiously comprehensively expansively immoderately imposingly in a big way in a grand manner on a large scale prodigally prodigiously voluminously charitably openhandedly unsparingly warmly candidly majestically politely enthusiastically graciously wholeheartedly unselfishly altruistically benevolently bigheartedly chivalrously genially ungrudgingly unreservedly bounteously agreeably Liberally antonyms
inadequately insufficiently illiberal difficultly poorly insignificantly selfishly grudgingly sparingly stingily coldly heartlessly Usage of Liberally in sentences
The word is used as adverb in english grammar. The word can be used as verb or adverb in hindi and have more than one meaning.
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