Lick meaning in hindi

How to pronounce Lick
As noun : अंठ Ex:  most of the kids lick their thumbs in childhood.
अन्नगति Ex:  A small lick will change the look of this chair. गति Ex:  You may have a lick of this pickle. उ:   क्लासिक्स और कविता में उनकी विशेष गति थी। गवँन Ex:  I don't just lick at the ice cream . चपड चपड करना Ex:  He could lick the world. चपड़ चपड़ करना Ex:  A lick dishes चरणचार Ex:  It made us serve enough good things, but there was that "to lick fingers चाँटना Ex:  The Dogs lick and heal their wounds with the language चाटना Ex:  This painter was wrong to lick, lick his paintings too जवनिमा Ex:  When the cats ate something they are good, they lick their beards, they lick their beards in ढाण तूर्णि थूक लगाअना थोडी मात्रा पइस प्रणिघान रँह रँहति रफत लेहन लेहभूमि वींखा वेल्ल वेल्लित स्राम्य हरा देना हालडोल हुलक
Lick ki paribhasha : ek vastu par kisi doosari vastu ka veg ke saath patan ya takkar ek sthaan se doosare sthaan par kramash jaane ki kriya khaane ya svaad lene ke liye kisi vastu ko jibh se uthaana
Lick synonyms
dash dab trace whiff taste hint smack sample cast stroke brush suggestion bit tinge speck fondle rub soothe wash graze caress osculate gloss sweep quiet ripple lap glance calm pass over lap against move over flick shoot burn quiver ignite tremble flicker vibrate dart leap palpitate blaze waver kindle vacillate fluctuate flutter run over slap trim outstrip overwhelm smother spank down hurdle surpass surmount best rout trounce excel master whip strike overcome lambaste beat conquer wallop throw smear clobber thrash outdo flog top vanquish
Lick antonyms
glob lot lose remain extinguish put out stay be still give in surrender forfeit retreat fail fall behind yield give up help
Usage of Lick in sentences

The word is used as noun verb in english grammar. The word can be used as, noun or verb in hindi and have more than one meaning. . 
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