Licking meaning in hindi

How to pronounce Licking
As noun : कंडन Ex:  Bob took a real licking in the stock market .
कालंकनी Ex:  They groom themselves by licking their fur परास्तता Ex:  Dogs heal their wounds by licking the पारिहारिक Ex:  , We licks his fingers, is licking fingers It is excellent to eat पिटाई उ:   वहाँ उसपर कठोर व्यवहार और पिटाई की गई जी से उस ने दम तोड़ दिया। हरवा ‡ हरा ‡ हार उ:   विनता हार मानकर कद्रू की दासी बन गयी। हारयष्टि हारु हेगल
Other : लेहन
Licking ki paribhasha : pitavaane ki majaduri ek puraana pratyay jo kisi shabd ke aage lagakar kartavya, dhaaran ya snyog aadi soochit karata hai
Licking synonyms
whipping lashing drubbing thrashing annihilation bashing flogging repulse conquest setback check trashing blow ruin ambush overthrow trimming breakdown collapse massacre slaughter killing failure discomfiture fall rebuff destruction count loss reverse embarrassment mastery extermination debacle trap rout triumph defeasance vanquishment whitewashing scalping whaling lacing trouncing paddling ko waxing subjugation shellacking downthrow insuccess nonsuccess
Licking antonyms
forfeit loss surrender achievement boon success building victory win accomplishment yielding good fortune construction creation rise
Usage of Licking in sentences

The word is used as noun in english grammar. The word can be used as noun in hindi and have more than one meaning. . 
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