Life threatening meaning in hindi

How to pronounce Life threatening
As noun : खतरनाक Ex:  Another life threatening arrhythmia is ventricular tachycardia उ:   इसके मार्ग में कई खतरनाक दर्रे और हिमनद आते हैं।
भीमयु शंकी संदिग्घ सकंटक सप्रतिभय सोद्योग
As adjective : खुनी Ex:  Our life threatening घस्र घातक उ:   इनका सबसे घातक हथियार डुबकी है। घाती प्रमापयिता प्राणहर फाड़खाऊ ‡ रिष्व विधाती हालिक
Life threatening ki paribhasha : phalit jyotish men vah yog jisaka phal kisi ki mratyu ho
Life threatening synonyms
lethal deadly severe mortal serious capital critical hazardous unsafe touch and go
Life threatening antonyms
harmless invigorating
Usage of Life threatening in sentences

The word is used as adjective in english grammar. The word can be used as noun or adjective in hindi and have more than one meaning. . 
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