Lightly meaning in hindi

How to pronounce Lightly
As noun : उपेक्षापूर्वक Ex:  We don’t take lightly any potential partners and we have to be very selective .
As adverb :
अकारण Ex:  one cannot say such things lightly उ:   यह अकारण नहीं था कि बौद्धों को यहां आधार मिला था। अगोत्र Ex:  Cetshwayo also treated the complaint rather lightly आहिस्ता से Ex:  The remainder of Acadia was only lightly populated and poorly defended. कम में Ex:  Militiamen were lightly armed गम्भीरता रहित होकर Ex:  At first they were done lightly and only intended to add humour but निर्निमित्त, निर्निमित्तक Ex:  Compared to later ankylosaurs, Scelidosaurus was lightly armored. लघुतया Ex:  Also, the lightly cured lacón ham. विकारण Ex:  Ancient Roman Soldier infantry lightly armed सरलता पूर्वक Ex:  be armed lightly हलका मानकर Ex:  be dressed lightly हलके से Ex:  Biting lightly and repeatedly हल्के से Ex:  Figuratively, it means a Sketch quickly, lightly made हेतुरहित Ex:  Go lightly on some matter हेतुशून्य Ex:  He decided too lightly
Lightly ki paribhasha : ta kahaaan the? is baalak par akaaran krodh karake kahaaan chhipe the?—sknd
Lightly synonyms
easily delicately casually tenderly moderately gingerly softly simply mildly freely quietly slightly carelessly indifferently nimbly peacefully readily smoothly well sparsely faintly thinly subtly agilely airily breezily daintily ethereally flippantly frivolously heedlessly leniently slightingly sparingly tenuously thoughtlessly timidly unsubstantially
Lightly antonyms
difficultly roughly heavily uncarefully effortfully
Usage of Lightly in sentences

The word is used as adverb in english grammar. The word can be used as noun, verb or adverb in hindi and have more than one meaning. . 
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