Like a bat out of hell meaning in hindi
As adverb : तीव्रता, शीघ्रता से
ExamplesLike a bat out of hell synonyms
rapid agile brisk nimble hot swift fleeting electric flying hurried ready accelerated dashing snap racing active breakneck expeditious hasty on the double posthaste presto pronto snappy winged flashing pdq blue streak chop-chop double-time expeditive hairtrigger hypersonic in a jiffy in nothing flat lickety split like all get out like crazy like mad speedball supersonic velocious screamin' rapidly instantaneously swiftly speedily immediately promptly hastily instantly apace briskly flat-out in a flash lickety-split expeditiously hurriedly fleetly full tilt in haste in short order like a flash like a shot Like a bat out of hell antonyms
clumsy sluggish boring tardy unhurried impermanent movable unattached moral slow dull plodding flexible insecure loose unfixed good upright eventually later slowly Usage of Like a bat out of hell in sentences
The word is used as adjective adverb in english grammar. The word can be used as or noun in hindi and have more than one meaning.
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