Likely meaning in hindi

How to pronounce Likely
As adjective : अतिग्रह Ex:  A likely consequency.
अनुरुप Ex:  He is a likely candidate for chairmanship. अनुहरत Ex:  The boy teased the girl. She retaliated by slapping him.
The other group is likely to retaliate.
अनुहारि Ex:  According to the weather forecast,the sky is likely to remain clear for
the next 24hrs.
अभीजात Ex:  He will as likely as not arrive without warning . अर्ह्य Ex:  I put down John as a likely prospect . आगामि, आगामी Ex:  The majority suggested the most likely alternative is that Randolph Jefferson आनुलोमिक Ex:  It will also be more likely to survive to reproduce आशाजनक Ex:  For others, the magazine's features likely aided adoption. उ:   वह भी एक आशाजनक अग्रिकलतुरिस्ट थे। इमकानी Ex:  Most of the Pukaskwa Pits were likely made during this time. उंच Ex:  Gliese 581 d, may in fact be a more likely candidate for habitability. उपयुक्त Ex:  Any planets that did form around a metal-poor star would likely be low in mass उ:   यह किसी के द्वारा पढ़ने के लिए उपयुक्त हो। औपयिक Ex:  Finally, a larger planet is likely to have a large iron core. कल्पिक Ex:  Van Houten had been seen as the most likely of the killers to be paroled गालिबन Ex:  The Heshang Gong commentary was most likely written in the second century CE छमनीय Ex:  Both languages are equally likely given the number of westerners present दैवी गति Ex:  "1325" should likely be read as "thirteen twenty-five" परितर्कित Ex:  Symphony Hall is likely to see renovations in the near future. पारय Ex:  All of the organized territories were likely to become free-soil states प्रयोजनवान् Ex:  If inflation occurred this is likely प्राणाय्य Ex:  Immunological control is likely HPV type-specific प्राप्तरूप Ex:  It is likely a cognate of , , ultimately derived from the Akkadian . भवसिवत्त Ex:  1925. It was likely an F5 भावई Ex:  Although its development likely preceded Liu An भावित्व Ex:  There are some conditions and situations that make them more likely भाविन्या Ex:  Originally, war likely consisted of small-scale raiding. मौजूँ Ex:  Lower altitudes are more likely to have small यथाप्रदिष्ट Ex:  The translation was most likely done in the 12th century by Adelard of Bath युक्तरूप Ex:  It is likely that when she died संप्रयोजित Ex:  Brass has likely been known to humans since prehistoric times संभवतः Ex:  Yuri Gagarin and Aleksei Leonov became the most likely candidates. उ:   वह संभवतः ऐतिहासिक व्यक्ति था। संभवत्ः Ex:  Roosevelt would likely have perished. संभावना के साथ Ex:  Species likely to be found include Golden-mantled Ground Squirrel संभावनीय Ex:  She continued to be his companion, and likely mistress, until his death. संभावित Ex:  It is likely that A Christmas Carol is his best-known story उ:   इस रंग का सर्वाधिक संभावित कारण रेलेह प्रकीर्णन द्वारा होना था। सत्याभासी Ex:  Asperger syndrome is closest to autism in signs and likely causes सद्दश Ex:  It is likely that the initial cells were all heterotrophs समुपयुवत Ex:  It seems likely that it was the patronage of the Roman Catholic church सम्भव Ex:  It is likely that these were considered unsellable and scrapped. उ:   ग्नू प्रोजेक्ट के बिना लिनक्स सम्भव नहीं था। सलिंग Ex:  The band and their impostors would likely be played by McCartney's group Wings सुसंनत Ex:  Winston believes it likely that very few सेँमुष Ex:  15,000 years ago is the most likely time for the wolf-dog divergence. सोहरां Ex:  Stars of higher metallicity are much more likely to have planets होतब्यता Ex:  Documentary evidence has suggested that this was likely not the case, however. होनहार Ex:  These organizations will likely have further expectations for their members . होवनिहार Ex:  Around 1498 Josquin most likely re-entered the service of the Sforza family होवनिहारी Ex:  Around this time Josquin most likely returned to France
As adverb : कदाचित Ex:  Males are more likely to be diagnosed with asthma as children उ:   कदाचित यह ४००० ईपू तक जाता है। संभाव्य Ex:  Hence it is thought less likely that a metal-poor सत्य प्रतीत होने वाला (सत्याभासी Ex:  The average is more likely to be 65˚ F . सम्भावनीय Ex:  Tourette syndrome is also a likely candidate for Claudius' symptoms. होने के योग्य Ex:  These figures are likely to be much higher होनेवाला Ex:  The name YHWH is likely to be the origin of the Yao of Gnosticism. उ:   लुप्त होनेवाला भाषातत्व "इत्" कहा जाता है।
Other : सम्भाव्य Ex:  South Africa is a likely future member of the OECD. The small
Likely ki paribhasha : pooja ya satkaar ke yogy athava jisaka satkaar honevaala ho upayog men laaya hua vah baat jisaka hona daivi vidhaan men nishchit ho
Likely synonyms
fair inclined possible feasible reasonable expected acceptable prone achievable anticipated attainable conceivable credible destined disposed favorite given to imaginable liable ostensible plausible practicable predisposed presumable promising rational seeming subject to tending thinkable up-and-coming workable true assuring believeable conjecturable in favor of in the cards in the habit of inferable odds-on on the verge of supposable verisimilar presumably doubtless doubtlessly prima facie seemingly assumably in all likelihood in all probability like as not most likely no doubt presumptively to all appearances
Likely antonyms
unlikely implausible inapt unforeseeable unreasonable impossible improbably
Usage of Likely in sentences

The word is used as adjective adverb in english grammar. The word can be used as, verb, adverb or adjective in hindi and have more than one meaning. . 
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