Liken meaning in hindi

How to pronounce Liken
As verb : उपमा देना
तुलना करना तुलना उ:   इनकी तुलना का आधार कैडमियम की लाल रेखा थी।
Liken ki paribhasha : gaadhi ke pahiyon ko aungaana ek padaarth men doosara padaarth dalana
Liken synonyms
relate equate correlate resemble assimilate equal link balance approach parallel match come up to identify with allegorize approximate to be in the same class as be on a par with bear comparison distinguish between draw parallel make like notice similarities put alongside show correspondence
Liken antonyms
disconnect differ imbalance disproportion separate
Usage of Liken in sentences

The word is used as verb in english grammar. The word can be used as verb in hindi and have more than one meaning. . 
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