Lily livered meaning in hindi

How to pronounce Lily livered Examples
Lily livered synonyms
afraid timid jumpy uncertain concerned suspicious doubtful uneasy uptight jittery alarmed foreboding frozen hung up shaky stiff troubled weak worried mistrustful biting nails butterflies disquieted feel in bones get vibes have a hunch have cold feet have funny feeling have stage fright in a cold sweat in a dither in a sweat jellyfish running scared scaredy-cat worried sick dastardly anxious backward base caitiff diffident nervous paper tiger pusillanimous recreant retiring shrinking shy soft timorous worthless panicky chicken-hearted cowering cowhearted dismayed having the willies lacking courage no guts pigeonhearted weak-kneed yellow-bellied mean-spirited poltroonish wimpish wimpy wussy intimidated meek mousy cowed having cold feet unassertive hesitant tense agitated skittish aghast disturbed nerveless nervy perturbed phobic sheepish solicitous tremulous unmanly quivery aflutter discomposed goose-bumpy rabbity startled petrified abashed numb terrified sissy shivery unnerved spooked terrorized affrighted having kittens in a panic pushing the panic button scared stiff terror-stricken abject feeble irresolute submissive faint-hearted impotent inadequate ineffective ineffectual spiritless squeamish vacillating weak-willed invertebrate amoebalike forceless pithless sneaking offensive deceitful treacherous tricky unethical unprincipled
Lily livered antonyms
brave collected composed laid-back confident unquestionable unafraid calm easy-going cool happy certain clear definite sure at ease quiet undoubting unfearful unsuspicious unworried courageous daring dauntless undaunted bold heroic strong extroverted fearless pleasant good nice inapprehensive comforted resolute gutsy
Usage of Lily livered in sentences

The word is used as adjective in english grammar. The word can be used as noun or adjective in hindi and have more than one meaning. 
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