Lime meaning in hindi

How to pronounce Lime
As noun : अंबुकेशर Ex:  Use lime to paint the walls.
एक प्रकार का नीबू Ex:  At first, the bodies were buried in deep pits and covered with lime गुरुवर्चोघ्न Ex:  For shades of purple, lime is added to the alum. चूना डालना Ex:  This mixture contained lime as well as crushed bricks. चूना Ex:  A lime batch उ:   मिसौरी में चूना पत्थर की विशाल मात्रा उपलब्ध है। च्योल Ex:  Agriculture Amend ground lime to the setting are निस्त्रव Ex:  An avenue of lime trees नींबू Ex:  Arts Instrument with which stirs lime when the 'switched off and when it is mixed with sand or cement उ:   नींबू के तेल में इस फल का उत्साह सबसे अधिक है। नीबू का पेड़ Ex:  Blanch a wall with lime नीबू Ex:  Blanch a wall with lime milk उ:   नीबू पार्क लखनऊ का एक प्रसिद्ध पार्क है। नीब् Ex:  Building lime and sand पेड इत्यादि में चूना देना Ex:  By extension, the lime slaking, The State of lime when it ceases to be lively and it loses its properties पेड़ इत्यादि में चूना देना Ex:  Citrates, other than the citrate and the lime citrate of magnesia, are of no use प्रस्यद Ex:  Crystal Iceland, lime Carbobonate फूल वाला एक पौधा Ex:  Iron lime on any work of iron, copper, etc फॅसाना Ex:  It also means Coat lime trees to conserve the insect मूलकेशर Ex:  It also means User surface of a body with lime species called Grater for roughing the surface to give it the shape we want to रसाना Ex:  It is commonly said carbonate or lime Limestone we cooked in ovens लाईम Ex:  Lime Cream, lime carbonate film that forms on lime water, by its contact with air लासा लगाना Ex:  lime into a mortar that hardens in water लासा Ex:  Lime water, Which contains lime dissolved उ:   गाँजे के पौधे से एक प्रकार का लासा भी निकलता है। विस्त्रुति Ex:  Limestone, lime stone which is ordinarily done शंखभस्म Ex:  Lut egg white and lime श्रवनां Ex:  Mix pulverized bricks and lime mortar is made with संन्धिबन्ध Ex:  mortar of lime and sand, lime and सिलिसिलिक Ex:  Phosphate of lime स्नव Ex:  Soak lime स्वादुतिक्तफल Ex:  The lime disintegrates
Other : आहक Ex:  He also found that when bubbled through an aqueous solution of lime चून Ex:  As well as soda and lime फंसाना Ex:  This is due to lime and sand सफेदी Ex:  Off lime उ:   शरीर पर रूई के गोल की भांति सफेदी लिए भूरे रंग के गुच्छे उग जाते हैं।
Lime ki paribhasha : madhyam aakaar ka ek ped ya jhaad jisaka phal bhi nibou kaha jaata aur khaaya jaata hai or jo prathvi ke garam pradeshon men hota hai ek vishesh prakaar ka chipachipa padaarth jo baheliye log chidiyon ko phansaane ke liye baragad aur goolar ke doodh men tisi ka tel pakaakar banaate hain chooana jisamen kisi chij ke choone yogy chhed ya daraj ho
Lime synonyms
adhesive mud size gum concrete binder bond solder glue paste mucilage sand gunk tar birdlime sealant mortar putty lute epoxy grout rubber cement stickum impregnate enrich mulch compost propagate inseminate germinate pollinate feed manure fructify fecundate beget breed cover procreate treat dress generate make fruitful make pregnant top-dress fir sap jade sage moss pine forest grass olive blue-green peacock apple spinach willow verdigris malachite beryl chartreuse kelly aquamarine bice greenish-blue vert viridian coat binding dressing stucco gypsum plaster of paris
Lime antonyms
deplete uncover ignore lay bare withered experienced expert skilled old
Usage of Lime in sentences

The word is used as adjective noun, verb in english grammar. The word can be used as, noun or verb in hindi and have more than one meaning. . 
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