Limitless meaning in hindi

How to pronounce Limitless
As noun : अंहद Ex:  In this sense, it is used as a name and almost always to mean absolutely What we assume limitless
अनंततान Ex:  infinite Greatness, limitless अनिमान Ex:  Its ambition is limitless अपरमित Ex:  Who has neither beginning nor end, which is limitless and boundless अपरिच्छिन्न अपरिसीम अप्रमय असीम उ:   लेकिन राज्य की स्वायत्तता असीम नहीं होती। बिहद, बिहद
As adjective : अपरिमित उ:   अपरिमित सरल रेखा की लंबाई सीमाविहीन और इसलिए अनंत होती है। अमित उ:   ;रूपरसिक रसिकन की जीवन महिमा अमित पार न पाई। अवधिहीन ग़ैर मियादी निःसीम बेमियादी बेमुद्दती
Other : अमात्र उ:   अमात्र भूमि में मन, काल, कलना, देवता और प्रपंच, ये कुछ भी नहीं रहते। अमेय निरवधि निस्सीम
Limitless ki paribhasha : bahut bad ya bahut adhik
Limitless synonyms
unlimited inexhaustible unfathomable unending immense boundless immeasurable bottomless incomprehensible vast endless countless indefinite innumerable numberless undefined untold wide-open illimitable measureless unbounded no end of no end to no holds barred no strings uncalculable
Limitless antonyms
bounded restricted comprehensible fathomable finite measurable calculable exhaustible limited ending little small measureable
Usage of Limitless in sentences

The word is used as adjective in english grammar. The word can be used as noun or adjective in hindi and have more than one meaning. . 
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