Lingering meaning in hindi

How to pronounce Lingering
As noun : विलंब करने वाला Ex:  Mauvaise lingering chance, especially the game
As adjective :
चिरकाल का Ex:  After a lingering illness of seven weeks
Lingering synonyms
lifelong stubborn ingrained protracted recurrent continuing persistent abiding deep-rooted deep-seated enduring constant lasting incurable confirmed prolonged obstinate routine sustained fixed settled perennial ceaseless continual continuous habitual inborn inbred ineradicable inveterate long-lived long-standing tenacious unmitigated unyielding usual recurring ever-present persisting unabating
Lingering antonyms
short-lived temporary superficial ephemeral fleeting transient indefinite yielding ending
Usage of Lingering in sentences

The word is used as adjective in english grammar. The word can be used as noun in hindi and have more than one meaning. 
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