Linguist meaning in hindi

How to pronounce Linguist
As noun : बहुभाषाविद् Ex:  The Russian linguist Меновщиков उ:   वे बहुभाषाविद् हैं और २२ भाषाएँ बोलते हैं।
भाषा प्रवीण Ex:  Master of the Universe" for Channel 4. Michael Everson is a linguist भाषा विद् Ex:  An early 19th Century linguist was Jakob Grimm भाषा वैज्ञानिक Ex:  He is a gifted linguist भाषाविज्ञानी Ex:  Inaugurated by the linguist Ferdinand de Saussure भाषाविद Ex:  100 AD by the Chinese linguist Xu Shen उ:   भाषाविद हिन्दी एवं उर्दू को एक ही भाषा समझते है।
Other : भाषाविद् उ:   भाषाविद् इसे 'अश्लिष्ट-योगात्मक भाषा' मानते हैं।
Linguist ki paribhasha : anek bhaashaaon ka jaanakaar
Linguist synonyms
interpreter lexicographer grammarian polyglot philologist glottologist linguistician
Usage of Linguist in sentences

The word is used as noun in english grammar. The word can be used as noun in hindi and have more than one meaning. . 
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