Lion meaning in hindi

How to pronounce Lion
As noun : अरण्यनृपति Ex:  the lion is the king of beasts
अरण्यनृपति Ex:  the lion is the king of beasts इभमाचल Ex:  Sea Lion has a face of lion and body of seal. कंठीरव Ex:  The lion gobbled down its prey. कमरकश Ex:  Seeing the lion before him the boy was transfixed with terror. करिदारक Ex:  He pointed the gun at the lion करिदारक Ex:  He pointed the gun at the lion करिमाचल Ex:  The lion is tamed for the show. करिमाचल Ex:  The lion is tamed for the show. कांडस्पृष्ट Ex:  When I laughingly told my sister that a lion has entered the village she got very panicky. केहर Ex:  The lion head of the yamabushi kagura schools is black and can click its teeth. केहरी, केहरी Ex:  It is unknown for what occasion the mechanical lion was made केहरी, केहरी Ex:  It is unknown for what occasion the mechanical lion was made गंधोष्णीष Ex:  The nocturnal mountain lion is rarely seen and their numbers are not known गजमाचल Ex:  The Gothenburg coat of arms was based on the lion of the coat of arms of Sweden गजमाचल Ex:  The Gothenburg coat of arms was based on the lion of the coat of arms of Sweden गजमोटन Ex:  A lion shares दाढाल Ex:  A lion who fights the flanks with his tail, his tail दिलचला Ex:  A lion who fights the sides of its tail, with its tail दीप्तपिंगल Ex:  Bold as a lion नभःक्रांत Ex:  Bold as a lion नभःक्रांती Ex:  Breaking a lion नाहर Ex:  He also said, in terms of Sculpture, a Figure that the head and breasts of a woman and the rest of the body of a lion पंचमुख Ex:  He is a lion उ:   मन्दिर के अहाते में पंचमुख गणेशजी की मूर्ति है। पंचाइण Ex:  Hercules clothed the remains of the Nemean lion पचांन Ex:  Homer compares Diomede, among the Trojans, a lion in the midst of sheep पचायन Ex:  It also says a fabulous animal, half eagle and half lion पलभछ Ex:  It is said even lice Search in the mane of a lion पशुराज Ex:  lion पारिंद Ex:  Mythology Monster with the head and breasts of a woman, the body of a lion and the wings of a पारिंद Ex:  Mythology Monster with the head and breasts of a woman, the body of a lion and the wings of a पारींद्र Ex:  The Den a lion बनपति Ex:  The den of a lion बनपति Ex:  The den of a lion बबर शेर Ex:  The lion hunting gazelle बहादुर Ex:  The lion pounced on his prey बहुबल Ex:  The lion roared and shook his mane भास्वत् Ex:  The mane of a lion भीमनाद Ex:  The mouth, the nails of a lion भीमनाद Ex:  The mouth, the nails of a lion भीमविक्रांत Ex:  The small lion व्यादीर्णास्य Ex:  , Sewing fox's skin with that of lion Attach finesse to force व्यालमृग Ex:  Fall into the claws of a lion शर्जा Ex:  It azure door silver lion शार्दूल उ:   शार्दूल खुद भी बड़ा हंसोड़ था। शेर उ:   शेर यहां के मुख्य आकर्षण हैं। शेरदिल शेरबबर शेरमर्द श्रंगोष्णीश श्वेतपिंग श्वेतपिंगल श्वेतपिंगलक सटांक सटांक सांयुगीन सादि सादुल, सादूल सादुल, सादूल सारंग,सारँग साहसकारी सिंह उ:   सिंह मूल रूप से अमृतसर, पंजाब से आता है। सि़ह राशि सुकेशर हरिजच्छ हरिणाधिप हरित् हरिनख हस्तिकक्ष्य हिंसारू
Other : असद Ex:  The lion is called the King of beasts. उ:   यह स्थान दापोली और असद पुल के बीच स्थित है। केसरी Ex:  The lion came out of its den . उ:   इन्हें पंजाब केसरी भी कहा जाता है। केहरी Ex:  II Or a semy of hearts Gules a lion rampant Azure बनराज Ex:  The lion fights the flanks with his tail बबर Ex:  The lion outweighed its prey in its mouth मृगराज Ex:  This house door silver lion sable मृगेंद्र Ex:  Who belongs to the lion, which holds the lion leonine mane वनराज Ex:  , a lion heart, a great courage, and familiarly, A heart hen, Extreme cowardice उ:   वह महसूस करती है कि वनराज ही उसका असली जीवनसाथी है। शेर का बच्चा
Lion ki paribhasha : billi ki jaati ka sabase balavaan paraakrami aur bhavy jngali jntu jisake nar varg ki garadan par bade bade baal ya kesar hote hain phaarasi, urdou aadi ki kavita ke do charan
Lion synonyms
cougar wildcat puma griffin lioness leo felis leo simba
Usage of Lion in sentences

The word is used as noun in english grammar. The word can be used as noun in hindi and have more than one meaning. . 
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