Lithe meaning in hindi

How to pronounce Lithe
As adjective : एंचीला Ex:  People with lithe bodies learn dancing very easily.
लचलची लचीला वंक्य सुनम्य स्थितिस्थापक
Other : नर्म Ex:  He walks with a lithe फुर्तीला Ex:  It is a lithe man in its processes, in his remarks
Lithe ki paribhasha : jisamen kisi prakaar ki kathorata ya khinchaav aadi na ho
Lithe synonyms
supple agile nimble slim limber lean lissome loose pliable pliant slight spare thin lightsome
Lithe antonyms
rigid clumsy stiff awkward fat thick
Usage of Lithe in sentences

The word is used as adjective in english grammar. The word can be used as adjective in hindi and have more than one meaning. . 
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