Litter meaning in hindi

How to pronounce Litter
As noun : एक साथ पैदा हुए बच्चे Ex:  The size of a litter averages three to five kittens
कचरा Ex:  Indoor cats are usually provided with a litter box containing litter उ:   अब कचरा ने बल्लेबाज़ी संभाली। करकट Ex:  Daily attention to the litter box also serves as a monitor of the cat's health. कर्णीरथ Ex:  Numerous variations on litter and litter box design exist कसाफत Ex:  These litter his diary. कूड़ा करकटअ Ex:  Despite the large litter at birth कूड़े कचरे की तरह पड़ा होना Ex:  Due to longer rates of reproduction and smaller litter size कूडा करकट Ex:  The father of a litter is called the sire कूड़ा Ex:  An average litter consists of about six puppies गंदगी Ex:  Toy dogs generally produce from one to four puppies in each litter गलीज Ex:  First, second litter घटाटोप Ex:  Make the litter horses, cows, etc चंडोला Ex:  The litter was four or five small nightingales चंडोलो Ex:  These two dogs from the same litter झोल Ex:  , Taking litter of one thing once meant the lavish, spread it profusely डोलिया दलिहर पर्यक पालकी उ:   पालकी शब्द संस्कृत 'पालकी' से आया है। पालखी उ:   हर वर्ष वारकरी संप्रदाय के लोग इन संतो की पालखी लेकर पंढरपुर जाते है। भँगारि मनुष्ययान महाफा,महाफी मैल राजयान रिप्र लीबर, लीभर विनीतक शिरस्का सुखआसन
Other : डोला उ:   उन्होंने डोला सेन को हराया। डोली
Litter ki paribhasha : vah jhilli ya thaili jisamen garbh se nikale hue bachche ya ande rahate hain striyon ke baithane ki ek savaari jise kahaar kndhon par uthaakar le chalate hain ek prakaar ki savaari jise aadami kndhe par lekar chalate hain rui ka khood ya binaula jo dhunane par alaga kar diya jaata hai
Litter synonyms
muck junk trash clutter rubbish collateral refuse disarray hash garbage rummage hodgepodge detritus shuffle mishmash muddle jungle disorder jumble confusion waste scattering scramble untidiness offal school brood family progeny young kittens cubs puppies piglets strew confuse dirty derange disarrange mess up
Litter antonyms
orderliness cleanliness sterility possessions sense arrangement organization method system parent organize tidy clear up clean up
Usage of Litter in sentences

The word is used as noun verb in english grammar. The word can be used as, noun or verb in hindi and have more than one meaning. . 
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