Live with meaning in hindi

How to pronounce Live with
As noun : साथ साथ रहना Ex:  Bell went to London to live with his grandfather, Alexander Bell.
As verb :
सहना Ex:  Díaz-Balart reportedly returned to Havana to live with Fidelito and his family.
Live with ki paribhasha : sngit ke saat svaron men pratham svar 5028 vah sab tumhen sahana padega
Live with synonyms
defer acknowledge receive consent bear withstand concede endure swallow bear with hang tough sit tight be big about hang in hang in there put up with recognize respect agree acquiesce assent bow capitulate defer to fit in go along with play the game sit still for submit to yield to don't make waves don't rock the boat authorize oblige favor pass release accord certify okay license indulge endorse commission admit sanction warrant empower accredit hear of be game for free up give a blank check give carte blanche give leave give permission give the go-ahead give the green light grant permission hold with pass on take kindly to admire acclaim handle like applaud appreciate commend approbate esteem praise be big on face it grin and bear it regard highly roll with punches string along with take up on think highly of couple mingle conjugate be roommates with have relations live illegally play house room together shack up share address take up housekeeping wrestle confront get by grapple survive tussle buffet dispatch weather struggle tangle encounter carry on hack it make out battle with get a handle on make go of it make it make the grade pit oneself against rise to occasion struggle through hold one's own abet condone advocate champion uphold confirm back encourage invite aid help go for thumbs up get behind give green light give stamp of approval give the nod nod at put john hancock on sign off on smile on stomach something act approach behave clear concern consider control direct discuss oversee review rid serve treat unburden attend to behave toward conduct oneself cope with get a handle on something have to do with make a go of it see to take care of omit disobey forget disparage disdain slight despise contemn overpass discount snub fail scorn pooh-pooh brush aside brush off pass over vilipend cold-shoulder blink at brush away have no use for laugh off leave out of account let go let off easy let pass look the other way pay no attention to pay no heed to pay no mind shut eyes to take no notice of tune out turn a blind eye turn a deaf ear wink at sympathetic indulgent compassionate tolerant benign compliant forgiving amiable charitable clement complaisant condoning easygoing emollient forbearing gentle good-natured loving merciful mild obliging permitting soft softhearted sparing tender yielding benignant allowing assuaging assuasive being big excusing favoring going easy on humoring letting mollycoddling pampering pardoning soft-shell spoiling enable cause give okay spurn ignore underestimate reject affront slur dismiss scant detest depreciate rebuff condemn pass by shrug off pretermit have nothing to do with make light of not care for pass up keep at arm's length keep one's distance whitewash forgive excuse let bygones be bygones play past swim with the tide turn blind eye to wipe slate clean experience hang on last undergo wear resign oneself to stay the course sweat digest bite the bullet reconcile oneself go through hurt feel bleed brave carry the torch sit and take it wait out maintain continue keep up stick it out sweat out bear up under stand up to welcome accommodate contain give access let in ride out take it lying down take it on the chin face the music take one's lumps take one's medicine pocket consent to tough out
Live with antonyms
disallow refuse reject repudiate contradict dissent avoid dodge discontinue despise dispute resist shun migrate give offer disagree fight pass quit depart go leave move stop carry on disapprove misunderstand deny discard blackball renounce demur defend decline veto withhold protest prevent forbid prohibit withstand oppose repel keep unauthorize condemn dislike hate scorn censure denounce disregard invalidate neglect criticize disrespect surrender disjoin retreat yield dissuade hinder block injure obstruct discourage hurt mismanage remember compliment praise admire note flatter succeed love attend esteem pay attention merciless hateful intolerant rigorous hard limiting restrictive severe impede inhibit sell halt buy heed notice cherish welcome guard nurture protect accomplish achieve complete look at recognize concern take care of watch finish honor follow serve disobey forget overlook abstain hide aid alleviate assist comfort let go expel help relieve let down release evade misconceive turn away fail lose maintain disenchant repulse add be honest be immune exclude check
Usage of Live with in sentences

The word is used as adjective verb in english grammar. The word can be used as, noun or verb in hindi and have more than one meaning. . 
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