Lively meaning in hindi

How to pronounce Lively
As noun : जिंदादिल Ex:  Madison has a lively independent rock scene उ:   जिंदादिल से जीने वाला इंसान है।
प्रतिफुल्लक Ex:  A lively prayer प्रफुलंद Ex:  After a lively discussion प्रफुलित Ex:  After this short and lively speech, he led them to the enemy प्रफुल्त Ex:  Former air dance, two-stroke and lively प्रफुल्ल Ex:  Giving someone a package, Make it a lively and decisive response that silencing उ:   इसकी स्थापना १९०१ में प्रफुल्ल चन्द्र राय ने कोलकाता में की थी। मुलकित Ex:  In terms of the Navy, The lively water is said of More high tides and time of those transactions, as opposed to Dead Water विपुष्पित Ex:  It also means figuratively Animate a lively passion, especially when speaking of the effects of love संह्लादी Ex:  It is lively character
As adjective : उछालदार Ex:  He was a lively imagination. उत्साहपूर्ण Ex:  The atmosphere in the party was very lively.
A lively discussion.
ऊर्जावान Ex:  The courante is a lively French dance in triple meter. उ:   यही कारण है कि कुएं पर स्थापित यह भैरव उतने ऊर्जावान हैं। चटक Ex:  This leads into the lively finale जानदार Ex:  But the lively area still boasts some important sites. जिन्दा Ex:  Also notable are his dramatic and lively presentation of subjects उ:   "योगी ने भोज को जिन्दा कर दिया है", ऐसी प्रसिद्धि हो गयी। जीवशोणित Ex:  A lively short account of Leibniz’s life तरस्वी Ex:  The Caribbean coast of Nicaragua is known for a lively तरायल Ex:  Today, Finland has a very lively classical music scene. तुर्वाणि Ex:  She reprised her role in the lively Walter Lang film version. तूर्णि Ex:  The northwestern area in particular is vibrant and lively तूर्वयाण Ex:  The Marina to the north is a lively area with many young urban professionals. दिलचस्प Ex:  Kazakhstan features a lively music culture उ:   सबसे दिलचस्प बात यह है कि वहां के लोग इसे कोई बदनामी नहीं मानते। प्राणवंत Ex:  Good word Trait ingenious, lively and pleasant प्रोद्यत Ex:  Having a lively imagination, fiery, dark, smiling फुर्तीला Ex:  He had a lively movement बोलता हुआ Ex:  His conversation is always lively सक्रिय Ex:  It means even extreme Admiration, lively taste, sometimes excessive for a person for one thing or उ:   कैल्सियम अत्यंत सक्रिय तत्व है। सजीव Ex:  It says figuratively a lively and natural Description उ:   इस काल की पाषाण एवं धातुमूर्तियाँ अत्यंत सजीव एवं कलात्मक हैं। सरभस Ex:  lively and gay dance Species, whose use has grown from Germany to other countries साजीवन Ex:  Music Light Air, a more or less lively and marked movement that fits the lyrics सोद्यम Ex:  Red color and very lively स्फूर्तिमान् Ex:  Species dance a lively movement
Other : खुश Ex:  Performance of the 1275GT was lively for the time उ:   इसीसे खुश होकर गोरी उसे इन क्षेत्रों का सूबेदार नियुक्त कर गया था। चटपटा Ex:  The always lively intellectual world of Prague चुलबुला Ex:  John's is a lively hub for shopping and dining. चुलबुलिया Ex:  Spiccato is usually associated with lively playing. छरहरा Ex:  A lively weekend market near the river supplies meat
Lively ki paribhasha : chhape hue kapadon ko saaph karake dhone ki riti
Lively synonyms
enjoyable vigorous provocative cheerful festive frisky buoyant peppy spirited nimble bright entertaining animated stimulating refreshing agile alert astir blithe brisk chipper complex dashing driving effervescent enterprising frolicsome gay happy industrious involved jocund jumping keen merry perky pert quick rousing snappy sparkling sprightly spry stirring vivacious zippy blithesome bouncy bustling buzzing chirpy full of pep go-go hyper
Lively antonyms
unpleasant inactive lethargic somber apathetic dispirited sleepy unhappy depressed gloomy heavy sad down dull lifeless
Usage of Lively in sentences

The word is used as adjective in english grammar. The word can be used as noun or adjective in hindi and have more than one meaning. . 
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