Livery meaning in hindi

How to pronounce Livery
As noun : अंगवस्त्र Ex:  Lotus painted Imperial Tobacco livery on their cars
ड्रेस Ex:  and in the formal style, The livery of poverty, servitude, the external marks which we can recognize the misery, servitude, etc उ:   आज कोई आधिकारिक ड्रेस कोड नहीं है। नियत वेष Ex:  Bring the sword, the dress, the cassock, the little collar, the pants, the livery , be an officer, judge, clergyman, abbot, monk, lackeys परिच्छंद Ex:  Change livery परिहण ‡ Ex:  It is said collectively All people wearing the same livery पुसाक Ex:  Jacks foot Those servants who wear the livery पोशाक Ex:  livery उ:   तब यहोवा ने ये पोशाक उन्हें दी। पोसाख Ex:  livery Galon पौसाक Ex:  Take the livery Getting lackeys भरनिपु Ex:  Valet mainly in small livery भृत्यवेश Ex:  Wearing the livery रख्त Ex:  Any the livery of the Prince attended the ceremony वर्दी उ:   १६९३ - न्यूयॉर्क पुलिस की वर्दी को मंजूरी दी गई। सिचय
Livery ki paribhasha : kisi vastu par se apana svatv hataakar doosare ka sthaapit karana mooanj ki patti jo gaj ke dhole hone par charakhe men lagaayi jaati hai
Livery synonyms
drape dress up swaddle swathe fit cloak disguise attire equip do up gown vest habit accouter garb mantle spruce rig array endue deck enwrap robe tog caparison raiment outfit invest jacket primp coat apparel endow dud turn out bundle up dizen habilitate dandify bedizen bedrape breech fit out suit up covering drag duds ensemble equipment finery frippery frock gear habiliment rags regalia rigging sack things threads vestment wardrobe wear accouterment panoply sportswear sunday best civvies drapery full feather garments get-up hand-me-downs mufti overclothes tailleur tatters toggery togs tout ensemble trousseau underclothes vesture vines weeds zoot suit style fashion getup mode robes tuxedo gray flannel embellishment adornment appointment fixture ornament decoration fitting furnishing trimming personal effects khaki regimentals stripes od monkey suit olive drab glad rags feathers
Livery antonyms
uncover disrobe reveal open unclothe take off demand order
Usage of Livery in sentences

The word is used as noun verb in english grammar. The word can be used as or noun in hindi and have more than one meaning. . 
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