Located meaning in hindi

How to pronounce Located
As noun : विनिश्चल Ex:  Vodafone and O2 are all located in the capital.
शब्दगत Ex:  Bamako is located at . शयान Ex:  The Iowa State Fair located in Des Moines. स्थास्नु Ex:  Illinois, and Eppley Airfield located in Omaha, Nebraska. स्थित Ex:  The city, located at . उ:   श्रीशैलम कर्नूल जिले में स्थित है।
Other : अवस्थित Ex:  Our school is located in Mawana. उ:   यह गंगा के पश्चिमी तट पर अवस्थित है।
Located ki paribhasha : jo kisi kaary par niyukt ho satkarm men tallinata
Located synonyms
placed based occupying positioned stationed posted
Usage of Located in sentences

The word is used as adjective in english grammar. The word can be used as noun or adjective in hindi and have more than one meaning. . 
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