Loch meaning in hindi
As noun : अंबुचत्बर Ex: Excess soil from the construction of the buildings was dumped into the loch
अंबुवाह Ex: Discard the loch, Throwing overboard the loch to know how much the ship made road for a given time अगाधजल Ex: , the distance between two consecutive nodes in the loch line ऊर्ब खाड़ी झील उ: झील के मघ्य में बहुत ही सुंदर द्वीप महल है। लॉक उ: लॉक करने के लिए यहाँ क्लिक करें। वारिराशि संकीर्ण खाड़ी सलिलभर ह्लद
Other : खाडी
Loch ki paribhasha : vah bahunt bad praakratik jalaashay jo chaaron or jamin se ghira ho
ExamplesLoch synonyms
sound gulf harbor anchorage estuary strait cove bayou bight mouth lagoon basin arm narrows fiord firth fjord canal entrance creek ingress slough passage slew channel delta pool pond reservoir spring sluice mere millpond tarn inland sea lakelet Usage of Loch in sentences
The word is used as noun in english grammar. The word can be used as noun in hindi and have more than one meaning. .
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