Lodging meaning in hindi
As noun : अव्वास Ex: He is lodging in a family as a paying guest.
अस्थायी निवास स्थान Ex: He was given lodging and marble to carve, and quickly learned to work in stone. आकाप Ex: There is also lodging आवास Ex: In return, they received a salary and lodging in Windsor Castle. उ: यह अलवर के शाही परिवारों का आवास था। औपकार्य Ex: While lodging with the family of Professor Jost Winteler किराये का आवास Ex: Having the board and lodging in someone, Y be fed and housed किराये का कमरा Ex: In terms of hunting, he said, the place where we recognize the lodging of a hare किराये पर लिया हुआ घर Ex: The millstone and lodging कोबर चमरटोला छावन टिकने का स्थान नशेमन निर्वृत निवास उ: यह महल यहां के शासकों का निवास स्थल था। बसबास बसीत्यो बासा मैहल, मैहैल लॉज उ: वह एक लॉज में रात भर रहती है। वगर वर्षणि वस्तव्यता वाश्र वास गृह वासतेयी वेटा वेश्य संस्त्याय सन्निवेश सार्त्र संवास होस्टल उ: वे कॉलेज होस्टल में अपने पेहले फिल्म की कहानी लिखे थे।
Lodging ki paribhasha : rahane ke liye jagah dena ek prakaar ki ghaas jo aakar men baaans ke patton ke samaan hoti hai kuchh kaal tak ke liye rahana ek chhota jngali ped jisaki saphed aur majaboot lakadi sajaavat ke samaan banaane ke kaam men aati hai
ExamplesLodging synonyms
apartment shelter motel hotel resort inn lodge hostel abode dwelling room palace harbor residence camp domicile cover roof quarters protection place habitation home castle port address bed and breakfast chambers dorm lodgment room and board rooming house boarding house pied-ã -terre Lodging antonyms
office Usage of Lodging in sentences
The word is used as noun in english grammar. The word can be used as noun in hindi and have more than one meaning. .
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