Loll meaning in hindi

How to pronounce Loll
Other : जाता उ:   इसका पूर्वखण्ड विश्वकोशात्मक माना जाता है।
Loll ki paribhasha : kisi ooanche sthaan se ek chhor laga ya tikaakar shesh bhaag niche tak is prakaar le jaana ki oopar ka chhor kisi aadhaar par tika ho aur niche ka niraadhaar ho kisi ooanche sthaan se lag ya tikakar niche ki or adhar men kuchh door tak phaila rahana
Loll synonyms
slouch recline lounge loiter laze loaf dangle droop relax slump lean sag drop hang rest flop idle dawdle bum flap goof off hang loose
Loll antonyms
straighten achieve energize increase ascend do rise sit up straight
Usage of Loll in sentences

The word is used as verb in english grammar. The word can be used as verb in hindi and have more than one meaning. . 
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