Long drawn out meaning in hindi

How to pronounce Long drawn out
As noun : लम्बा उ:   इसका वृक्ष लगभग १ मीटर लम्बा होता है।
As adjective :
बहुत समय लेनेवाला
Long drawn out synonyms
boundless delayed diffuse dilatory dragging late lengthy limitless lingering long-winded prolix prolonged sustained tardy unending verbose wordy diffusive for ages forever and a day without end ambiguous tortuous oblique incidental implied ancillary circuitous collateral circular complicated contingent crooked devious discursive duplicitous erratic eventual meandering obscure out-of-the-way rambling secondary serpentine sinister sinuous sneaky subsidiary underhand vagrant wandering winding zigzag periphrastic sneaking circumlocutory long way home sidelong snaking twisting continuous perpetual eternal never-ending incessant endless boring ceaseless constant dull everlasting immeasurable permanent timeless unceasing uninterrupted unlimited wearisome looped day-and-night dragged out interminate no end of no end to on a treadmill spun out strung out unbound stiff gradual tame stagnant moderate sluggish off slack down reduced backward belated conservative dead inactive overdue sleepy uneventful unproductive behindhand unprogressive time-consuming hindered impeded detained draggy long-delayed unpunctual annoying dreary tiring exhausting humdrum banal tiresome laborious uninteresting arid drab dry dusty insipid irksome lifeless mortal pabulum poky prosaic snooze soporific unexciting vapid bromidic fatiguing weariful drudging dull as dishwater enervating ho-hum prosy deep distant elongate elongated enduring enlarged extensive far-off far-reaching faraway gangling great high lanky lofty rangy remote running stretch stringy tall towering continued drawn out expanded lengthened longish outstretched spread out stretching
Long drawn out antonyms
direct straight straightforward halting intermittent interrupted ephemeral temporary transient bounded finite ceasing ending stopping limited brief terminable on time evanescent fleeting abbreviated abridged short exciting interesting lively hurried rapid cognizant intelligent violent wild bright active busy fast quick ready waiting smart on cue pleasant eventful facile entertaining easy
Usage of Long drawn out in sentences

The word is used as adjective in english grammar. The word can be used as noun or adjective in hindi and have more than one meaning. 
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