Long for meaning in hindi
As noun : अभिलाषना Ex: I long for the protective familial environment.
उशाना Ex: The forelimbs were long for a dinosaur एषण Ex: Allison lasted unusually long for a June storm एष्टि Ex: Arts thin copper rod and long for holding the lock of the cartridge of a mine blast during jam चाहना Ex: Holding a candle to someone, make him wait long for what he wants, what he was promised, or make him pay dearly for some benefit some fun रालना Ex: It's not worth waiting so long for so little वशन हिँछना ‡ हिंछना ‡ हीँछना हीछना
Other : अभिलाषा करना Ex: It took that long for the courts to deny the captains their claims
Long for ki paribhasha : lene ya paane ki ichchha prakat karana
ExamplesLong for synonyms
envy choose want begrudge lust after aspire to desiderate hanker for have eye on have hots for itch for spoil for thirst for yearn for yen for need require dream cry out for suspire ache for die for give eyeteeth for hunger for pine for sigh for eat one's heart out desire like sanction prefer favor endorse approve relish crazy about fall for care for be attracted to be captivated by be enamored of be in love with dream of mad for take a liking to take to wild for set one's heart on prize treasure admire cherish worship go for glorify canonize deify idolize exalt venerate adulate esteem delight in dote on be attached to be crazy about be enchanted by be fascinated with be fond of gone on have affection for have it bad hold dear hold high put on pedestal think the world of thrive with lose one's heart to moan sob regret wail agonize grieve bemoan lament weep deplore complain fret bewail anguish sorrow repine rue keen hurt blubber suffer miss bleed languish carry on be brokenhearted be sad take it hard wear black wring hands thirst after Long for antonyms
dislike hate abjure be generous give not want spurn have disapprove refuse reject oppose despise castigate condemn degrade humiliate scorn abstain criticize debase lower mock not care delight praise aid assist be content be happy please relieve help be joyful Usage of Long for in sentences
The word is used as verb in english grammar. The word can be used as noun in hindi and have more than one meaning. .
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