Long lasting meaning in hindi

How to pronounce Long lasting
As adjective : टिकाऊ Ex:  Although not long lasting उ:   लोहे से पीतल की चीजें अधिक टिकाऊ और आकर्षक होती हैं।
दीर्घकाल तक चलने वाला Ex:  1945. But the Japanese occupation had long lasting effects on Taiwan. धर्णास, धर्णासि, धर्णी बहुत समय तक ठहरने वाला वसीक संकीन स्थास्नु
Long lasting synonyms
abiding resilient incurable hard-core habitual addicted hardened accustomed chronic confirmed continuing customary deep-rooted deep-seated dyed-in-the-wool enduring entrenched fixed inbred incorrigible ingrained innate obstinate persistent set settled stubborn sworn usual habituated ineradicable indurated persisting constant lifetime for life livelong established traditional long-established familiar age-old versed solid vintage veteran steady experienced perpetual practiced skilled time-honored of long standing staying eternal recurrent never-ending continual yearly annual immortal everlasting ceaseless deathless imperishable incessant sustained unceasing unchanging undying unfailing uninterrupted seasonal longstanding yearlong stable invariable changeless for keeps forever immutable indestructible steadfast diurnal forever and a day in for the long haul perduring set in concrete set in stone unfading persevering pursuing advancing carrying on maintaining progressing sustaining
Long lasting antonyms
short-lived temporary tenuous unstable changeable unsteady interrupted untrustworthy intermittent inexperienced young youthful current modern up-to-date soft weak wavering green broken fresh new contemporary late recent infrequent halting occasional ephemeral concluding changing ending ceasing terminating
Usage of Long lasting in sentences

The word is used as adjective in english grammar. The word can be used as noun or adjective in hindi and have more than one meaning. 
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