Long meaning in hindi

How to pronounce Long
As verb : अखर्ब Ex:  Britishers ruled India for a long time.
अगल Ex:  her fingers were long and thin उ:   खाई भट्ठों में अगल बगल दीवार बनाने की आवश्यकता नहीं पड़ती। अगाधा Ex:  Cranes have long legs and long necks. अधकी Ex:  her fingers were long and thin . अधिक Ex:  The bill remained in limbo for a long time. उ:   यहां गेंहू की सबसे अधिक बिजाई की जाती है। अधिकी Ex:  The result can be deduced after a long analysis. अबेश Ex:  Connective tissue have long proto plasmic projections. अभिलाषना Ex:  Narwhals have long tusks. अभीक्ष्ण Ex:  He is a tire-less person and he can work long hours. अलौजा Ex:  he worked here and there but never for long in one town इच्छा करना Ex:  her fingers were long and thin. इधक Ex:  Give a long leverage. उंच Ex:  After the long and adventurous journey. उदूढ Ex:  the company had a long payroll उद्गगाढ Ex:  Donkeys have long ears . किंवहुना Ex:  A mouse is a small furry animal with a long tail. गुरू Ex:  She had long tresses. उ:   यह गुरू रामदास का डेरा हुआ करता था। गूरू Ex:  After a long prayer, the priest says Amen. घनेरे Ex:  The long journey knackers me. चक्षा Ex:  Due to long sickness, his muscles have become flabby. चाडू Ex:  We talked for a long time. चिरकाल Ex:  after the long drive, we zonked out and slept for 10 hours उ:   यहां चिरकाल पूर्व से राधावल्लभीयविरक्त संत निवास करते चले आ रहे हैं। जाजा Ex:  Cookware from Jermany are life long lasting. जोरदार Ex:  My friendship with you should be long standing. उ:   इनका एक साथ प्रयोग मौजूदा तरीकों की तुलना में जोरदार लाभ देता है। तरसना Ex:  I'm usually on the go all day long . दिघ्घ Ex:  We rested on our laurels too long . दीघ Ex:  Haven't seen you in a long time . दीरग Ex:  While these theories have long been well-understood दीर्घ स्वर Ex:  Alligator was 47 feet long and about 4 feet in diameter. दीर्घ Ex:  Albania was long controlled by the Ottoman Empire and other conquering powers उ:   दीर्घ स्वरों के बाद का निशान लगाया जाता है। दीर्घकाल Ex:  Norfolk's civic leaders provided a 13 mile long right-of-way around their city. उ:   यह जीवनशैली दीर्घकाल तक चली। दीर्घश्यानी (काच Ex:  He launched a long series of wars दीर्घस्वर Ex:  Baron's thesis suggests that during these long wars दीर्ध Ex:  As long as most memory accesses are to cached memory locations उ:   दीर्ध समास तो क्वचित् ही दृष्टिगोचर होते हैं। दीर्धकाल Ex:  As a country that is 1.05 kilometres long and . दीर्धकालीन Ex:  Due to the Met's long history दीर्धावधि Ex:  Whether planets might form in binaries at all had long been unclear दूर तक Ex:  This state did not last long देर तक Ex:  Chinese literature has a long past द्विमात्र Ex:  The rapproachment was not to last long नामुवाफिक Ex:  Edinburgh has a long literary tradition प्रगुण्य Ex:  Other plays have the potential for long gains प्रतिकूल Ex:  The long history of ethnic conflict and border-shifting between Armenia उ:   इसी प्रकार आयकर के नियम भी इसके प्रतिकूल पड़ते हैं। प्रतिजन्य Ex:  These were almost twelve miles long प्रतिबाधि Ex:  The Dead Sea is long and wide at its widest point. प्रतीपवचन Ex:  Throughout Colley Cibber's long and successful acting career प्रसव्य Ex:  Despite the long holdout and fundraising efforts प्रासुक Ex:  Playing football has a long tradition in England बडी लालसा करना Ex:  Other countries with a long tradition of rugby बरखिलाफ Ex:  Her record of five Wimbledon titles would not last for long बहुत चाहना Ex:  Most krill are about 1 to 2 cm long as adults बिकूल Ex:  Basses have a long history in opera बोहला Ex:  The cagA gene codes for a relatively long protein. बड़ी लालसा करना Ex:  In the long history of Spanish cinema भूयः Ex:  They also have a long history as pets. मदोद् Ex:  In the southeast the long Engadin Valley रालना Ex:  They are 200 m long and 2.81 m wide. लंबा Ex:  The Three Capitals sets are 394 m long and have 766 seats उ:   लंबा यह राजमार्ग चंडीगढ़ को डबवाली से जोड़ता है। लंबी Ex:  These amphibians were around five meters long in length. उ:   यह मस्जिद काफी लंबी है। लड़कना Ex:  Fairs have a very long tradition in Frankfurt. लम्बा समय Ex:  Sir Gawain is 101 stanzas long लम्बी Ex:  It consists of four long poems उ:   यह बुंदेलखण्ड पठार की सबसे लम्बी नदी है। ललकना Ex:  Chinese art has a long history of varied styles and emphases. विगुल्फ Ex:  Sociology has long been very concerned with the origins of war विप्रतीप Ex:  The Netherlands has a long tradition of social tolerance. व्यायत Ex:  This river would have been about 6000 miles = 10000 km long सक्कस Ex:  Even in cultures with long cheese traditions स्थूलहस्त Ex:  Not long after Cobain's death स्फिर Ex:  Vivaldi eventually died not long after हस्तिद्वयस Ex:  The island of Guam is long and to wide. हिँछना ‡ Ex:  As a prominent city with a long history हिंछना ‡ Ex:  2004. Indiana has long been considered to be a Republican stronghold. हीँछना Ex:  It is 1,624 metres long and हीछना Ex:  For long stretches, Adams withdrew to his home in Massachusetts. ज्यादा उ:   मोर ज्यादा गर्मी सहन नहीं कर पाते हैं।
As adjective : चिर Ex:  i had warned you long agone. उ:   मैं तेरी चिर दासी हूँ। लम्बा Ex:  Not long thereafter, Ovando founded Santa Maria del Puerto. उ:   यह कुल सात मील लम्बा है।
As adverb : लम्बे समय तक Ex:  The coastline of Greenland is 39,330 km long
Other : आयत Ex:  We must fuel up our car before a long trip. उ:   आयत के दोनों विकर्ण समान होते है। कंडी Ex:  He was gasping after a long walk. उ:   यूरोपीय देशों में, यह कंडी संस्कृति बहुत कम आम है। कश्ती Ex:  A long stick. A long road. A long poem. A long time. किश्ती Ex:  A mouse is a small furry animal with a long tail. चिरंजीवी Ex:  he disliked long farewells झँगा Ex:  She decorated her long braids with flowers. झँगिया Ex:  The children sat through the long concert. झँगुला Ex:  It was not long before he attained knighthood. झँगुलिया Ex:  We have been deliberating over Karen long enough . झँगुली Ex:  Sharon hammered on the door for a long time . झगा Ex:  You've come a long way . झगुलिया Ex:  I've come a long way . झगुली Ex:  I have a long way to go . लंब Ex:  They are 200 m long and are 2.90 m wide.
Long ki paribhasha : tin maatraaon ka gan jisaka pratham varn laghu ho brihi se nirmit ek khaady padaarth guru ya dvimaatrik varn kisi vastu ke abhaav men usake liye ichchhuk aur aakul rahana vah rekha jo kisi doosari rekha par is bhaaanti gire ki usake saath samakon banaave jisake donon chhor ek doosare se bahut adhik doori par hon kisi vastu ko paane ki gahari ichchha karana vah alnkaar jisamain aadhey ko aadhaar se adhikavarnan karate hai
Long synonyms
lengthy protracted great deep high tall stretch prolonged elongate elongated running enduring towering sustained enlarged lingering lasting distant extensive far-reaching faraway gangling lanky lofty rangy remote stringy far-off expanded stretching lengthened stretched continued drawn out longish outstretched spread out spun out late slow delayed dragging diffuse boundless dilatory limitless long-winded prolix tardy unending verbose wordy drawn-out long-drawn-out overlong diffusive for ages forever and a day without end yearn aim itch hunger wish covet pine hanker lust thirst want sigh aspire ache miss suspire dream of have a yen for spoil for
Long antonyms
unimportant ignorant ephemeral evanescent fleeting little short small weak soft low abbreviated abridged on time dislike hate despise
Usage of Long in sentences

The word is used as adjective verb in english grammar. The word can be used as, verb, adverb or adjective in hindi and have more than one meaning. . 
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