Look around meaning in hindi

How to pronounce Look around
As verb :
अपना सर घुमाना
Look around synonyms
pursue follow investigate explore scout inquire scratch fish hunt prowl root dragnet quest fan nose delve comb mouse ransack chase beat the bushes ferret out fish for bird-dog be after bob for cast about delve for dig for go after gun for leave no stone unturned look about look high and low run after search for search out sniff out track down frequent play hit inspect tour call talk reside converse crash tarry sojourn chat dwell come by drop in look up step in take in stay at call on come around drop by drop over go over to go to see look in on pay a call pay a visit to pop in stay with stop by stop off swing by
Look around antonyms
ignore shun reply find neglect answer listen refrain be quiet
Usage of Look around in sentences

The word is used as verb in english grammar. The word can be used as noun or verb in hindi and have more than one meaning. 
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