Looks meaning in hindi

How to pronounce Looks
As noun : चूरही Ex:  She looks emanciated.
चेटकनो Ex:  This man looks very scraggy. चेरि, चेरी Ex:  He looks at you. प्रत्थुपमान Ex:  She looks very fragile. बितंड Ex:  Fashion designers have masculinized womens looks in the 1990s रूप Ex:  Taj looks stunning. उ:   भौगोलिक रूप से यह एशिया का ही भाग है। वर्प Ex:  Cob looks graceful. समापादन Ex:  In the movie Outbreak, the virus looks the same as the Ebola virus.
Other : शक्ल Ex:  Balaam then looks on the Kenites उ:   फारसी और अरबी में इसकी शक्ल बदल कर हो गई जलाबिया। सूरत Ex:  Bobby enters looks down उ:   ज़िले का मुख्यालय सूरत है।
Looks ki paribhasha : kisi padaarth ka vah gun jisaka bodh drashta
Looks synonyms
stare peek glimpse eye review attention glance sight marking leer flash surveillance introspection gaze swivel regard noticing slant scrutiny speculation case regarding contemplation observation once-over cast survey gander reconnaissance inspection squint evil eye beholding viewing gun keeping watch look-see fashion presence demeanor manner expression bearing semblance seeming mien effect air countenance physiognomy complexion aspect guise mug visage notice consider read study peer rubberneck gape scan beware goggle mind focus scrutinize ogle tend note attend spot gawk contemplate observe peep spy glower admire scout heed get a load of pore over take a gander take in the sights feast one's eyes sound show exhibit resemble evidence indicate manifest display present look like make clear strike as search seek hope hunt foretell await divine forecast count on reckon on front overlook front on give onto
Looks antonyms
indifference disregard ignorance neglect ignore scorn avoid dodge overlook forget look away miss conceal hide contradict withhold cover find
Usage of Looks in sentences

The word is used as noun verb in english grammar. The word can be used as or noun in hindi. 
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