Loose meaning in hindi
As noun : असंहत Ex: She glued together all the loose pieces .
उझंटना Ex: In addition to the more common method using loose counters उझाँटना Ex: In addition to these two loose groupings उद्धुंधन Ex: These include the mundu, a loose piece of cloth wrapped around men's waists. छनकान Ex: If loose lead छोड़ना Ex: Marine Who is loose झोखना Ex: Prospectus or loose sheet that is inserted for advertising in a volume, pamphlet, magazine, etc ढीला पड़ना Ex: The fabric of this fabric is loose is tight तिजइना Ex: This curtain is too loose तियागना Ex: This node is too loose दरगुजरना Ex: This termination is the result of a loose soul नंषना Ex: TIGHTEN also means Making less free, less loose परिवर्जन, परिवर्ज्जन Ex: , son loose in प्रमूकना Ex: , That is up to neither iron nor nail This is loose बखोरना ‡ Ex: Pascal wrote his thoughts on loose sheets बिरराना मुंचना मुकलना मूकना मेल्हना मोकना मोकलना मोक्षण मोचना मोषण संत्यजन संप सन्यासन समासर्जन समुत्सर्ग
As verb : अतिसार Ex: playful children just let loose from school उ: यह अतिसार व पेचिश में भी उपयोगी है। अमूझा Ex: She was branded a loose woman अयाथार्यिक Ex: The disease senile dementia make one loose memory. अलसौंहा Ex: You go to toilet again and again.Have you got loose motions? अस्ंअय्त्क्त Ex: Dave cut loose with a vengeful retort . अस्पष्ट Ex: Dave can't let loose of his childhood . उ: इस समय इन श्रेणियों को अलग करने वाली सीमाएं अस्पष्ट हैं। आजा़दी से Ex: The particularly loose skin at the back of the neck is known as the scruff इतलाक Ex: The series continues the loose chronology of the Quatermass adventures उदभिन्न Ex: Free jazz uses implied or loose harmony and tempo उरहाना Ex: Layamon's Brut, written in about 1215, uses a loose alliterative scheme. औलादौला Ex: The eroded area consisted mostly of loose tephra कमिता Ex: The instruments are usually made of loose wood placed across banana logs. कम्र Ex: The predominantly loose and flowing कामयमान, कामयान Ex: Daals or pulses are usually sold loose in the market . कामरसिक Ex: A drawing, a loose style कामवृत्त Ex: A flattering loose कामार्थी Ex: A loose writing A writing whose characters are improperly formed and too spaced कामि Ex: Absolutely, Mix loose कामुक Ex: Action black, loose खरमस्ता Ex: AIGRETTE in terms of Botany, means hair brush species or loose threads that overcomes the seeds of some plants, such as dandelion, groundsel, etc खुला Ex: be exposed to loose defamation उ: हवाई के इर्द-गिर्द हज़ारों मील तक खुला पानी है। खुली Ex: By analogy, loose Style, lacking energy and conciseness उ: यह जगह पर्यटकों के लिये पूरे वर्ष खुली रहती है। खोलना Ex: Canvas, cloth, loose fabric canvas, cloth, fabric whose plot is not battered enough or too loose chain गदयित्रु Ex: Character of what is loose गलत Ex: Costume is usually a light fabric, which consists of a non-fitting jacket and a very loose trousers, and is mainly worn as sleepwear or inside उ: उसे सुनने वालों ने कहा 'यह गलत राग है। गोमगा Ex: Each of loose filaments found in all membranous or fleshy parts of the body of man or the animal गोली चलना Ex: Earth light, loose earth that easily stirs चियारना Ex: His process is loose छायावेष्टित Ex: It is used mainly in the following two phrases: loose earth, light Earth, or Earth broken and divided by plowing छोड़ दना Ex: Low, loose analogy डायरिया Ex: Small part we loose the surface of a body scraping उ: खजूर को शहद के साथ इस्तेमाल करने से डायरिया में भरपूर लाभ होता है। ढीलम ढाला Ex: The fabric of this fabric is loose is tight ढीली Ex: The twisting of the cord is too loose उ: अपनी पकड़ ढीली कर सामान्य अवस्था में आ जाएँ। तीर मारना Ex: This node, this belt is too loose धुमैली Ex: This worker is at work loose निरुस्तुक Ex: We must hold this rope a little loose पजमुर्दा Ex: , in more or less loose fabrics such as knits प्रश्लथ Ex: , with no loose parts or फक्क Ex: de Theology Who is in favor of a loose moral बिहबल भुरभुरी उ: मिट्टी भुरभुरी एवं पोली होनी चाहिए। भ्रभर मुदिर म्लिष्ट रतार्थी रतिलंपट लचर लापरवाह लावबाली लिंपट विजल्पित विस्खलित विस्रंसन व्यादन व्यादीर्ण शकृद्रुद शिथिल उ: अपने शरीर व मन-मस्तिष्क को शिथिल कर दीजिए। श्रथन श्लथ श्लिकु श्लिक्यु षट्प्रज्ञ षिंग संदिग्घ संश्रांत समुन्मीलन सेवितमन्मथ सोच्छ्वास स्त्रीपर स्त्रीशौंड स्पर्शरसिक स्वतः उ: फिर सब कार्य स्वतः ही होने लगेंगे। हेलावत्
As adjective : अड़ँगबड़ँग Ex: They have entered into a loose alliance. अबद्ध Ex: Diamond can not loose its refulgent power. अलग अलग Ex: He soldered the loose wire. अवद्ध Ex: The dog is roaming loose on the road. अव्यवस्थित Ex: If you want to loose weight stop eating between meals. उ: इस दृष्टि से यह क्रांति अव्यवस्थित थी। असंपत Ex: I cut the cord loose from the anchor by mistake . असंयत Ex: The bracket holding the shelf up has come loose . असंवेष्टित Ex: The barber whisked off the loose hairs . चलविचल Ex: He conducts his work too loose छिलछिला Ex: It should be loose to win जुदागाना Ex: PONCE also said a small pouch that serves to sand and consists of a piece of loose fabric, filled with blue powder or black, if we want sand on a white surface, or white powder, if we want sand on a black surface झौल Ex: Several causes contribute to ossify, in old age, certain body parts which were previously loose ढिलड़ Ex: The church has received from Jesus Christ the power to bind and loose ढीला Ex: The texture tendon is tight, that of the cellular tissue is loose उ: ढीला छोड़ देने से उनका सुरीला स्वर नहीं निकलेगा। निर्बध Ex: You link this loose bag, it must bind tighter, closer प्रविकीर्ण Ex: , which run loose for spring or बन्धनमुक्त हुआ बन्धनमुक्त भ्यन्न ‡ मुक्त उ: मुक्त छंद कविता को आजाद नज़्म कहते हैं। मुतफर्रिक मुलायम लघुवृत्ति लटपटा विलुभित विसूत्र व्यवच्छिन्न संदिग्घ सम्मूढ़ साबाध सोच्छ्वास
Other : अलग्न Ex: A loose coat. अश्लिष्ट Ex: Our dog got loose and ran all over town . असंगठित Ex: I'm gonna go out and cut my wolf loose tonight . असम्बद्ध Ex: Yes, he has a screw loose somewhere . कमजोर Ex: They dig their own burrows in sand or loose soil. उ: इस वर्ष को बॉलीवुड में कमाई के हिसाब से कमजोर वर्ष माना गया। घेर Ex: HAIR, in terms of Botany, is said of some very loose nets, usually cylindrical and flexible, born on various plant parts उ: १८७२ में मेले में आते समय उनके एक शिष्य को मुसलमानों ने घेर लिया। छुट्टा Ex: loose soul, interested झोल Ex: See that the rope loose
Loose ki paribhasha : kisi vastu ka kahin bhool se chhoot jaana vah jo apane maarg se gir gaya ho jo achchhi dasha men ya kaam ka na rah gaya ho puraanaanusaar ek praachin RRishi ka naam kisi pakadi hui vastu ko prathak karana kisi vastu ke mile ya jude hue bhaagon ko ek doosare se is prakaar alag karana ki usake andar ya usake paar takaanaa, jaanaa, tatolanaa, dekhana aadi ho sake jo kisi star par tik na sake jo kasa ya tana hua na ho
ExamplesLoose synonyms
relaxed sloppy easy baggy limp hanging escaped floating unlocked separate untied disconnected free released unhinged slack clear undone detached apart asunder flabby flaccid insecure movable unattached unconnected unfettered unrestrained unrestricted wobbly unconfined unbuttoned unhooked loosened unbound unclasped liberated unpinned unfastened unbolted slackened at large not fitting uncaged unlatched unsecured unshackled disordered rambling obscure diffuse ill-defined inaccurate indistinct negligent random remiss imprecise careless debauched wanton abandoned light corrupt dissipated capricious disreputable dissolute heedless immoral imprudent inconstant lewd libertine licentious out of control profligate rash reckless thoughtless unmindful unchaste swinging speeding playing high living Loose antonyms
rigid combined connected joined united sane constrained restricted taut moral hard tight stiff attached hindered definite precise clean decent clear virtuous kind pure purified uncorrupt Usage of Loose in sentences
The word is used as adjective in english grammar. The word can be used as noun, verb or adjective in hindi and have more than one meaning. .
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