Lord meaning in hindi
As noun : अग्निजित् Ex: He is the lord in this area. Everybody has to obey him.
अग्रेणी Ex: She idiolized lord Rama beautifully. अग्रेसरिक Ex: the lord shiva is king of dance. अचिंत्यात्मा Ex: He is the lord of the manner. अधपति Ex: He is the overlord of the county अधिकारी Ex: The city's administration is headed by a lord mayor and three mayors. उ: एक अधिकारी ने गुरुवार को इसकी जानकारी दी । अधिपति Ex: While his mentor and overlord Dingiswayo lived उ: हिरण्यमयवर्ष के अधिपति अर्यमा हैं। अध्यात्मा Ex: "He is lord even over any of those things that he owns that are lordly ". अनंताभिधेय Ex: It was a capital of the estate of the Bulgarian feudal lord अमलदार Ex: In the Holy Roman Empire some cities had no other lord than the emperor. अमीर Ex: A magnificent lord उ: अमीर खुसरो ने ख्याल गायकी का परिशोधन किया। अमृतगर्भ Ex: A man without a confession meant one who, not having been recognized by a lord to vassal, could not claim protection अशरणशरण Ex: Butler said he was an officer attendant to take care of what the table looks a prince of a great lord or wealthy individuals, and which was used on table आख्यायक Ex: English term by which one is for a lord इसर० Ex: He also said a long dress officer who dispensed justice in the name of a lord इस्सर Ex: He did not know which way to head, he held on to this great lord ईश्वर Ex: If subservient means, figuratively, Bind to a person at a party or opinion, as a vassal was bound to his lord उ: ईश्वर के प्रति स्नेह भक्ति है। ईसा मसीह Ex: In terms of feudal jurisprudence, it meant the law the vassal paid to his lord when certain mutations and different customs varied from ईसुर Ex: In terms of feudal law, it meant a vassal Act had to give his lord and by which he admitted, acknowledged holding him this or that legacy उपपादुक Ex: It also means that a law prelate or a secular lord had to appoint an ecclesiastical benefice करूणाकर Ex: It also meant the act by which a lord confessed, recognized someone vassal or a vassal lord someone to कारिम Ex: It also meant the extent of land under the jurisdiction of a lord कार्यचिंतक Ex: It is the great lord कालकाल Ex: It particularly once meant Ensign the fief lord was entitled to wear to war and under which the vassals ranged themselves that led कालकृत् Ex: It said he was particularly in terms of feudal jurisprudence, talking land that fell, which depended on another land, a lord काशीनाथ Ex: Jupiter is the lord of the gods, the father of men and उ: काशीनाथ मिश्र - बलिया वीर अहिरो की नगरी भी है । किबरिया Ex: Jurisprudence legacy is not as usual in Lods expression and sales, we paid the lord when they sold part of the territory which extended its rights किबलाआलम Ex: Jurisprudence of feudal act by which the lord alienated land and gave him to be held in fief किर्दगार Ex: Jurisprudence of feudal fee of any kind that some goods were annually to the lord of the fief they fell कुलीनजन Ex: Lordship and jurisdiction of the lord lord क्राइस्ट Ex: Making fealty to his lord उ: इसके अलावा यहाँ कैथोलिक चर्च और क्राइस्ट चर्च भी हैं। गाड Ex: Making the lord चतुगीति Ex: Man, woman tied to the field that they cultivated through fee to the lord who was the owner चतुर्दंष्ट्र Ex: of Feudalism condition dependence of the vassal against the lord जगकर्ता Ex: of Feudalism tribute as vassal went to the lord of the fief, kissing her hand जगत्कर्ता Ex: Of Feudalism Who does something against the faith due to their lord जगन्नियंता Ex: Old word meaning lord and which was hardly customary in poetry marotique जनधिनाथ Ex: One of Feudalism, which fell because of a lord of a fief, and that was her faith and homage जरदार Ex: One of the twelve Our characters My lord chooses particularly between his disciples to preach the gospel जाणराइ Ex: Our My lord would often teach in the synagogues त्र्यंगट Ex: Removing feudal, Whoever was exercised by the lord of a fief on a property sold in its movement दावर Ex: Right of Feudalism had a lord to subject his vassals to his mill to grind, cook his oven, etc दुशालापोश Ex: Right, power, a man has authority on earth which he is lord and everything related to देवताति Ex: Roman Senator Costume, lord of the Middle Ages, etc देवयु Ex: SALES, plural, means, in terms of Feudalism the fee that was due to the lord of the fee for the sale of an area included in its censive; in this sense, it was hardly the word than usual Lods देवश्रुत Ex: Service feudal, Duty which a vassal was obligated to its lord देहकर्ता Ex: Tax Attorney, Officer who exercising public ministry to the seignorial courts, ensured the rights of the lord and common objects of interest देहकृत् Ex: The feudal lord could, for want of man, put his hand stronghold that reported to him निःअच्छर Ex: The lord of Coucy नित्यमुक्त Ex: The lord was within the crown mediately नी Ex: The warning signs of a lord नेता Ex: Title of land, by which he was lord of the land taking quality count उ: हैरॉल्ड विल्सन उसके नेता बने रहे। पति Ex: Title that is given to women in England a lord or baronet उ: उन्की पति भगवान शिव कि बक्त नही था। पतितउधारन Ex: Vassal of the two genres he said of one who possessed a fiefdom and was to fealty to the lord suzerain पतितपावन Ex: , Bas-blue, says a Woman with literary pretensions, in memory of an English lord in blue stockings who frequented assiduously Lady Montagu room परधाम Ex: , It is a little lord said of a man who affects the importance and which does not in परमतत्व Ex: , Slice of nobleman, Making the lord उ: परमतत्व को केवल स्वयंप्रकाश कह देने से काम नहीं चलेगा। परमब्रह्म Ex: It was a vassal lord like उ: वे निरंतर परमब्रह्म परमात्मा की आराधना में तल्लीन रहते। परवरदिगार परोबरीयसू पाक परवरदिगार पासाह Ex: No matter who was its nominal overlord पिरभू पिरभू प्रपूर्वग प्रब प प्रबु प्रभु उ: प्रभु की रुचि भक्त की रुचि बन जाती है। प्रभुराई प्रशासिता ब्रहम भगवान् भगवान भरंड भर्तार भर्त्ता Ex: War ensued and King John was deposed by his overlord भुवनशासी भोक्रा मखदूम मसनदनशीन माबृत मायापति मायापात्र मालक ‡ मालिक उ: इसका अर्थ यह है कि हर व्यक्ति ख़ुद अपना मालिक है। मालिकी उ: मालिकी पन्थ-इसके अनुयायी पश्चिम अफ्रीका और अरब के कुछ भागों में हैं। मुखिया उ: पिता परिवार का मुखिया होता है। मुख्य उ: यहाँ की मुख्य भाषा पश्तो है। मुतमौवल मौला यंत, यंता यज्ञिय रत्नधर रहनुमा राज्यकर्ता राज्यस्थायी राष्ट्रभृत् लक्ष्मीपुत्र लार्ड उ: लार्ड मैकाले की शिक्षा नीति स्विकृत। लार्ड{उपाधि} लोकरक्षक लोकेश विनेता विश्वचक्षु विश्वधाता विश्वपाल विश्वभर्ता विश्वभाव विश्वमय विश्वराज, विश्वाराट् विश्वव्याषी विश्वसाक्षी वोढा शहरयार शान जमाना शासक की भांति व्यवहार करना शासक उ: चोल शासक प्रसिद्ध भवननिर्माता थे। शासनधर शासिता श्रियावास श्रीमत् श्रीमान संचारयिता संप्रणेता सत्यपुरुष सरकर्दा सर्वविद सर्वशक्तिमान् सर्वस्वामी सर्वांतयार्मो सर्वेश, सर्वेश्वर साँम साईँ सामन्त उ: उसका परिवार सामन्त वर्ग से था। सासक सितारा उ: उन्होंने उसे सितारा नाम दिया। सिरताज सुखात्मा सेक्रेटेरियट स्थपति Ex: He is the recognized overlord of heroin in the world. स्थिरतर स्वयंभू उ: दूसरा मार्ग गुफा की ओर जाता है, जहां स्वयंभू शिव की मूर्ति है। स्वामी उ: स्वामी भद्रबाहु के साथ श्रवणबेलगोल चले गए। हाऊस आंफ्ॅअ लार्ड हुक्म चल्ना हुक्म जम्ना
As verb : अधिपत्य दिखाना Ex: He is the lord of the Apsu
Other : आज्ञापक Ex: for use where a lord was entitled to subject proclamation by those within the scope of his lordship ईश Ex: He was lord of several large land उ: ईश सब सन्ताप हरने को प्रकट होता तभी। ईसर Ex: In a joke, a woman says of her husband: My lord ठाकुर Ex: Recognizing the suzerainty of a lord उ: रवीन्द्रनाथ ठाकुर कई बार अगरतला आए थे। भर्ता लाट उ: लाट देश में प्रयुक्त होने वाली एक ‘लाटी’ रीति का प्रादुर्भाव हुआ। साँई
Lord ki paribhasha : aadarasoochak shabd jo naam ke aadi men rakha jaata hai janata ko kisi or pravratt karane ka adhikaar ya prabhaav rakhanevaala purush snsaar ka karta aur parichaalak sagun brahm inglaid ke bade bade jamidaaron aur raison aadi ko milanevaali katipay badi upaadhiyon ka suchak shabda, jo unake naam ke pahale lagaaya jaata hai vah jisake aashray men jivan nirvaah hota ho vah jo anugrah ya nigrah karane men samarth ho mastak ka vah bhaag jahaaan ki chot praanaghaatak hoti hai vah jisake haath men kisi nagara, praant ya dekh aadi ki raajakiy vyavastha ho aphagaanistaan ke raaja ki upaadhi yogashaastr ke anusaar klesha, karma, vipaak aur aashay se prathak purushavishesh
ExamplesLord synonyms
commander liege aristocrat captain prince nobleman superior overlord baron sovereign bishop potentate monarch leader dad patrician ruler peer magnate king don count governor royalty nobility old man duke seigneur parliamentarian viscount earl marquis commandant man upstairs Lord antonyms
follower commoner inferior servant Usage of Lord in sentences
The word is used as noun in english grammar. The word can be used as noun or verb in hindi and have more than one meaning. .
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