Loud meaning in hindi

How to pronounce Loud
As adjective : अगड़धत्ता Ex:  the speaker was interrupted by loud cries from the rear of the audience
अट्ट Ex:  his no was loud and clear अधर्षणी Ex:  He gave a loud stagy laugh. अभ्युच्छित Ex:  There was a loud drum roll from the restaurant. आजात Ex:  Her loud screams rent the air. आडंवर Ex:  We heard a loud sounding pop music. उंचे स्वर का Ex:  Children should always do loud reading. उच Ex:  I will answer the telephone for you if it rings.
The playground rang with childrens shouts.
The music was so loud it made my ears ring.
उच्च Ex:  The neigh of that horse could be heard loud and clear. उ:   १८६२ – कलकत्ता उच्च न्यायालय का उद्घाटन हुआ। उच्चतरु Ex:  Hey, Bill! Bill: Be quiet! You're too loud . उच्चे Ex:  The loud guitar music was so wild . उड़ध Ex:  The loud bang brought me up short . उढ्ढ Ex:  Joe calls hogs so loud the windows rattle . उतंग Ex:  Your whole family is sort of loud . उदक् Ex:  I'll play my radio loud if I want to . उदूढ Ex:  If you know the answer, please say it out loud . उद्दंतुर Ex:  My loud neighbors are trying my patience today . उद्धूत Ex:  Their calls consist of loud booming ऊँचा Ex:  Newark's mayor had confidently thought out loud उ:   देश का सबसे ऊँचा पहाड़ केवल १७० मीटर ऊँचा है। ऊँचे स्वर वाला Ex:  Reports of loud chirping frogs ऊँचो Ex:  It is especially loud and celebrated during the Palo de Mayo festival in May. ऊचल Ex:  The editor of the Times laughed out loud when he read it ऊर्द्ध्व Ex:  A loud bang ऊर्द्ध्वस्थ Ex:  By extension, a Homeric laughter, loud laugh and a good heart, so called because of a scene from the first book of the Iliad, where the gods laugh seeing the limping gait of Vulcan ऊॅचा Ex:  Call loud whistling or चंड़ Ex:  Do not talk so loud चटकीला Ex:  It also means Talking in a cone, to be heard in a loud जोर का Ex:  It also means, literally as well as figuratively, Who is loud and clear टहाटह Ex:  It figuratively said in a loud place that puts a big country to cover the invasion of enemies तीव्र Ex:  It gains, loud and clear, a hundred thousand francs in this case उ:   एक तीव्र तथा कठोर वाणी आकर्षक नहीं होती। तुंगी Ex:  It s' also used as an adverb and it means a loud and vigorously दुर्दमनीथ Ex:  It was so loud you want to pay it sells its furniture to make you money दुर्देंड Ex:  Laugh out loud नौबढ़ Ex:  Laugh out loud पर्बल Ex:  loud and clear talk, loud and clear प्रतूर्ण, प्रतूर्त Ex:  loud music प्रबल Ex:  My ears are not accustomed to loud noise उ:   आत्म-प्रतिष्ठा की भूख बहुत प्रबल होती है। प्रविविक्त Ex:  Shouting words of mercy Someone who suffers from severe pain and pushes loud cries बटाक ‡ Ex:  Small clock, equipped with a mechanism that activates an alarm loud and prolonged, time that was marked by a special needle मर्मव्यथा Ex:  Speak out loud and sustained manner, some speeches, some piece of prose or verse we know by heart मुअल्ला Ex:  Split the head to someone's inconvenience by making a loud noise लमतड़ंग Ex:  The loud sounds too sharp, hurt, offend hearing वकीअ Ex:  This Violent still says a loud explosion and व्यायत Ex:  Who is audible and loud शीघ्रीय Ex:  Who talks a lot and very loud and inappropriately संभृत Ex:  You do not speak loud enough समद्धत Ex:  , breaking the head, Mute by a loud noise समुच्छित Ex:  , It is the king's court Petaud, everyone is master, or simply Petaud It is the king's court was told of a house, a company where everyone speaks loud and wants to order समुत्कट Ex:  , Leading loud noise, make great noise सोत्सेध Ex:  , Loud and clear, loud and clear, frankly, clearly and without seeking softening, detours
Other : उच्च स्वर Ex:  I could hear her loud and clear. ऊँचे स्वर से Ex:  After a sequence of about 20 loud booms, the volume drops off. चटक Ex:  He told her loud and clear sense मुखर Ex:  Talking through his teeth, do not talk loud enough or clearly enough to be understood मुखरित Ex:  The loud noise is killing me
Loud ki paribhasha : jisaka svaad phika na ho .... kuchh ooancha aur apane sthaan se badha hua svar taar naam ka saptak jo shesh donon saptakon se ooancha hota hai sngit jo door tak oopar ki or gaya ho
Loud synonyms
heavy lusty resounding roaring ringing big vociferous vehement rowdy powerful strident raucous rambunctious deafening boisterous emphatic strong intense forte blatant cacophonous clamorous deep full obstreperous piercing resonant sonorous stentorian tumultuous turbulent uproarious booming crashing high-sounding thundering blustering ear-piercing ear-splitting full-mouthed fulminating loud-voiced pealing turned up wakes the dead brash brassy rude vulgar flashy obnoxious brazen chintzy coarse crass crude flamboyant garish glaring gross lurid meretricious obtrusive ostentatious showy tasteless tawdry
Loud antonyms
insignificant unimportant restrained indistinct inaudible subdued inoffensive tasteful little small unhealthy weak dull shy quiet silent calm moderate low mild soft careful cautious kind polite nice refined
Usage of Loud in sentences

The word is used as adjective in english grammar. The word can be used as noun, verb, adverb or adjective in hindi and have more than one meaning. . 
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