Lovable meaning in hindi

How to pronounce Lovable
As adjective : चहेना Ex:  It is also said in the same direction , no less lovable than brave
चितचोर Ex:  It is infinitely lovable जीवधन Ex:  Quality and a lovable person signs by which it manifests जीवनधन जोष्य दिलरूबा पिअरवा ‡ पुदुगल प्यार करने योग्य प्यारा उ:   प्रिय का अर्थ होता है प्यारा अर्थात् जिसे हम चाहते हैं। प्राणकांत प्राणधन प्राणनाथ प्राणपति प्रियपात्र प्रीऊ प्रीतिकर प्सुर मनभावता मनमोहन मुन्ना लड़ता ललित, लाड़लड़ैता व्हाला सजु स्नेहपात्र
Lovable synonyms
genial amiable fascinating sweet appealing charming engaging delightful cuddly adorable agreeable alluring angelic attractive desirable enchanting entrancing fetching friendly lovely pleasing ravishing seductive winning winsome bewitching enthralling captivating lovesome
Lovable antonyms
irritable unfriendly hateful boring repulsive unpleasant despicable unhappy mean hateable unendearing
Usage of Lovable in sentences

The word is used as adjective in english grammar. The word can be used as adjective in hindi and have more than one meaning. 
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