Low cost meaning in hindi
As noun : निम्न दर Ex:  Due to the low cost of the materials and manufacturing methods
Other :
कम Ex:  Its main advantages are low cost उ: इस क्षेत्र का जनसंख्या घनत्व बहुत कम है।
ExamplesLow cost synonyms
low-priced economical bargain budget buy competitive dime a dozen irregular moderate nominal reduced sale standard steal utility at a bargain bargain-basement bargain-counter bought for a song cheapo cost next to nothing cut-price cut-rate depreciated easy on the pocketbook half-priced low tariff lowered marked down on sale popularly priced real buy slashed uncostly undear worth the money modest thrifty dirt-cheap real steal fair plausible proper humane honest sensible justifiable valid rational objective impartial acceptable judicious understandable legitimate equitable prudent restrained feasible sane analytical average circumspect conservative discreet fit knowing okay politic reflective right sapient sound temperate controlled making sense standing to reason unexcessive unextreme within reason Low cost antonyms
expensive high-priced excellent valuable worthy unreasonable costly dear noble precious priceless superior sophisticated upper high-cost biased unfair unjust unlikely unacceptable senseless unrealistic unwise unwarranted unsound irrational intolerable implausible impractical nonsensical stupid partial prejudiced invalid assured bold outrageous Usage of Low cost in sentences
The word is used as adjective in english grammar. The word can be used as noun in hindi
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