Low pitched meaning in hindi

How to pronounce Low pitched
As noun : मंद उ:   क्लोरीन का अवशोषण पहले तीव्रता से होता है पर पीछे मंद पड़ जाता है।
मुलायम उ:   इस दौरान पशुओं को मुलायम एवं सुपाच्य भोजन दिया जाना चाहिए। मृदु
Low pitched ki paribhasha : vah haathi jisaki chhaati or madhy bhaag ki bali dhili ho, pet labaa, chamad motaa, galaa, kokh aur punchh ki chanvari moti ho tatha jisaki drashti sinh ke samaan ho
Low pitched synonyms
hushed muffled subdued whispered bass muted great vivid profound hard dark rich strong extreme grave resonant sonorous booming baritone full-toned low-toned dim remote dull slight inaudible weak hazy soothing mild distant far-off vague delicate padded pale wan aside piano moderate smooth faded obscure bland breathless dusty feeble hoarse ill-defined imperceptible indistinct lenient shadowy tenuous unclear stifled murmuring blurred faltering deadened muttering softened bleached bated out of earshot serene placid slow calm tender tranquil mellow balmy clement easy gradual halcyon peaceful sensitive untroubled easygoing relaxed laid-back sober subtle restrained loose understated played down soft-sell toned down reticent silent reserved close still dumb noiseless quiescent secretive soundless speechless taciturn tight-lipped uncommunicative unexpressed close-mouthed unuttered quieted whist stilled buttoned up clammed up could hear a pin drop hushful not saying boo unspeaking low-keyed tasteful unobtrusive
Low pitched antonyms
ignorant stupid cheerful frivolous superficial trivial unintelligent aboveboard artless flighty pale weak poor mild moderate soft happy shallow open quiet nearby friendly healthy boisterous brave courageous resolute bright clear distinct smart close warm sharp thick firm strong loud certain definite sure rough violent harsh colorful uncontrolled heavy bold agitated excited noisy fierce callous unkind odorous putrid troubled roused significant coarse turbulent wild hard crude high-strung nervous energized pumped up high-key communicative clamorous unreserved complicated intricate obtrusive complex
Usage of Low pitched in sentences

The word is used as adjective in english grammar. The word can be used as noun in hindi. 
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