Lowlife meaning in hindi

How to pronounce Lowlife
As noun : कमीना आदमी
Lowlife synonyms
culprit pickpocket hoodlum felon wrongdoer ruffian louse rat vagabond delinquent rascal racketeer drunkard criminal malefactor fink reprobate bully evildoer sneak outcast loafer convict scalawag outlaw rowdy scamp caitiff scum heel cad black sheep rapscallion jailbird bootlegger sinner crook swindler con artist cheat monstrosity devil defrauder mischief hooligan trickster cheater problem charlatan bad egg bad news ne'er-do-well dastard maggot thief imp good-for-nothing creep incorrigible mischiefmaker uncaring of others bad egg brute offender libertine mischief-maker profligate enfant terrible antihero riffraff snake bum skunk bastard scallywag working class proletariat hoi polloi masses rank and file commonalty lower orders lower ranks other half plebeians plebs liar poltroon beggar dog pariah pauper varlet ingrate rake renegade scapegrace worm scullion bezonian looser pilgarlic ronion wretched vile contemptible reprehensible loathsome degrading shameful disreputable disgraceful abject awful base beastly cheap detestable dirty down ignominious infamous insignificant mean pitiful slimy sordid worthless no-good low-life
Lowlife antonyms
goody-goody hero heroine upper class kind honorable reputable desirous virtuous worthy nice respectable likeable loveable
Usage of Lowlife in sentences

The word is used as adjective noun in english grammar. The word can be used as or noun in hindi 
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