Loyal meaning in hindi

How to pronounce Loyal
As adjective : अकल्कल Ex:  an unswervingly loyal man
अक्लीब Ex:  Her Majestys loyal opposition अजिह्म Ex:  Officers who were not loyal to the king were purged. ईमानदार Ex:  round up some loyal followers उ:   यहां के लोग बहुत ईमानदार हुआ करते थे। जेन्य Ex:  Although he tried to remain loyal to the Catholic Church देशभक्त होना Ex:  Extraordinarily loyal to Duvalier नमक हलाल Ex:  Many Americans who remained loyal to the Crown नमकहलाल Ex:  In any event, nearly all the victims were killed by troops loyal to Yeltsin. निष्इावान Ex:  TV6 and TVS were all taken over by media groups loyal to Putin. निष्ठावान Ex:  However, downstate fans are also loyal to adjacent sports markets, such as St. उ:   राजा उल्कामुखभी निष्ठावान सत्यव्रतीथे। निष्प्रपंच Ex:  The tributary Slavs became loyal allies. पौण्य Ex:  The components of the empire were not all uniformly loyal बेलौस Ex:  Troops loyal to the Mahdi Muhammad Ahmad began a siege of Khartoum on March 13 भक्ति युक्त Ex:  The troops loyal to Constantius' memory followed him in acclamation. राजभक्त Ex:  Alfred, Bruce Wayne's loyal शुद्धधी Ex:  The basic layout of the house remained loyal to Brettingham's original plan श्लक्ष्ण Ex:  Since the loyal Verbruggen couple always moved as a unit सच्चा Ex:  Kirk was a loyal officer in the Starfleet of the Terran Empire. उ:   सच्चा ज्ञान वही है जो आपके अन्दर के अज्ञान को समाप्त कर सकता है। सत्यपर,सत्यपरायण Ex:  As the parties loyal to the democratic सत्योद्य Ex:  Antony, and Caesar's loyal cavalry commander Lepidus as the third member. सश्रद्ध Ex:  A free and process loyal सिद्दीक Ex:  For his loyal service स्वव्याज Ex:  From loyal service स्वामिभक्त Ex:  From loyal service उ:   उन्होंने कुछ स्वामिभक्त साथियों का संगठन किया। देशभक्त
Other : नमक Ex:  By June he had gathered an army of 3,000 loyal veterans उ:   अधिक नमक से शोथ होता है। वफादार Ex:  Azores, a territory which had stayed loyal to the liberal cause. उ:   पुस्तक के बहुत से वफादार जुनूनी प्रशंसक है। हुक्म Ex:  His conduct is very loyal उ:   आपका जो हुक्म हो उसे ब-सरो-चश्म बजा लायेंगे।
Loyal ki paribhasha : jisamen raaja ya raajy ke prati bhakti ho svaami ke prati prem bhakti rakhanevaala bilakul thik aur poora deshaahit ke liye sarvasv nichhaavar kar denevaala vyakti jo lenaden ya vyavahaar men sachcha ho vachan ya kartnvy ka paalan karanevaala
Loyal synonyms
devoted steadfast trustworthy patriotic ardent staunch dutiful allegiant believing constant dyed-in-the-wool firm resolute steady tried-and-true true-blue trusty unfailing unswerving unwavering attached behind one coming through on one's side
Loyal antonyms
disloyal unfaithful untrustworthy unreliable undependable faithless
Usage of Loyal in sentences

The word is used as adjective in english grammar. The word can be used as noun or adjective in hindi and have more than one meaning. . 
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