Lucky meaning in hindi

How to pronounce Lucky
As adjective : तकदीरवाला Ex:  As he later stated, "I was lucky
नदाल Ex:  Some of Wollstonecraft's friends were not so lucky बख्तवार Ex:  ''Indefatigable'' was not so lucky भाग्ययोग Ex:  Animal doll, objects used as lucky charms भाग्ययोग Ex:  Animal doll, objects used as lucky charms भाग्यवान Ex:  I'm not so lucky उ:   पूर्ण विकसित शनि पर्वत वाला मनुष्य प्रबल भाग्यवान होता है। भाग्यशाली Ex:  It has a lucky hand and succeeded in all his undertakings उ:   लगभग सभी जानवर बहुत भाग्यशाली है। भूरिभाग्य Ex:  It is also said, in another sense, a few games of cards, that player has a good hand, lucky hand, it pays to be under his thumb, give it to cut सश्रीक Ex:  It is lucky सुकृतू Ex:  It's happy, it's lucky for you सुदृष्ट Ex:  The lucky सुहागी Ex:  You are a lucky dog
Other : नसीबवर Ex:  Fandorin is exceptionally lucky सुभग Ex:  This is a very lucky shot, I give you ten, twenty, to make a similar, or simply, I give you ten सुलक्षण Ex:  To have a lucky hand, also said of a player that often earns
Lucky synonyms
successful hot fortuitous happy advantageous adventitious auspicious beneficial benign blessed charmed favored felicitous golden hopeful on a roll promising propitious prosperous timely well providential all systems go coming up roses everything going getting a break hit it big holding aces in the groove into something on a streak serendipitous striking it rich
Lucky antonyms
unlucky inopportune unfortunate unpropitious unsuccessful bad
Usage of Lucky in sentences

The word is used as adjective in english grammar. The word can be used as adjective in hindi and have more than one meaning. 
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