Ludicrously meaning in hindi

How to pronounce Ludicrously
As adverb :
हास्यकर ढग से
Ludicrously synonyms
desperately furiously crazily passionately violently hastily intensely frantically excitedly foolishly recklessly energetically insanely exceedingly excessively extremely hard irrationally quickly rapidly rashly speedily unreasonably hysterically dementedly absurdly deliriously devotedly distractedly frenziedly hurriedly like mad nonsensically psychotically rabidly senselessly something fierce stormily to distraction tumultously/tumultuously turbulently merrily jokingly amusingly facetiously ironically jocosely jovially mirthfully playfully satirically comically laughably preposterously inanely
Ludicrously antonyms
calmly normally
Usage of Ludicrously in sentences

The word is used as adjective adverb in english grammar. The word can be used as or noun in hindi and have more than one meaning. 
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