Luminosity meaning in hindi

How to pronounce Luminosity
As noun : ओभा Ex:  Changes in luminosity are common to all stars
चंद्रकला Ex:  At that point its luminosity will be several thousand times its present value. चमक Ex:  The Sun has steadily increased in luminosity over the course of its life उ:   इसके कारण चमक और बिजली पैदा होती है। चमका Ex:  Stars can also vary in luminosity because of extrinsic factors चमकार Ex:  He noted its fading luminosity चमक्क जगमगाहट जोतड़िया ज्योति उ:   अमृतम आई की माल्ट लेने से नयनों की ज्योति तेज होती है। झलमलताई त्विष् दगदगाहट द्योति द्विभात परिस्फुर्ति पहा ‡ फर्र भास्वत् भ्राजथु भ्राजि मणिमाला रुसनाई रोचिस् विद्युत्कंप शुचिस्
Luminosity ki paribhasha : gyaan ka prakaash jisase vivek utpann hota hai aur agyaanaandhakaar door ho jaata hai yog
Luminosity synonyms
light glow brightness luminance fluorescence
Luminosity antonyms
Usage of Luminosity in sentences

The word is used as noun in english grammar. The word can be used as noun in hindi and have more than one meaning. . 
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