Luxury meaning in hindi

How to pronounce Luxury
As noun : आनन्द Ex:  We crossed the bay by a luxury liner. उ:   ऐसा सुनकर आनन्द को मर्माघात जैसा शोक हुआ।
आराम Ex:  the luxury and corruption among the upper classes उ:   वह एक पेड़ के नीचे थककर आराम कर रहा था। आसाइश Ex:  The movie star lived a life of luxury . ऐयाशी Ex:  From Egypt a wide array of luxury and manufactured goods were imported. खानाआबादी Ex:  Desirable luxury goods were generally not locally available. खुसफैली Ex:  At all price levels, more luxury cars would be demanded. जराति Ex:  Access to Western luxury goods became even more restricted जोष Ex:  Glass remained a luxury material बरक्कत Ex:  Also in 2007 the Echo 24 luxury apartments will open in the city centre. भोग विलास Ex:  Cape Town is also one terminus of the luxury tourist-oriented Blue Train. वस्त्र इत्यादि का प्रयोग Ex:  Mantle purchased a luxury condominium on Lake Oconee near Greensboro विनिवृत्ति Ex:  In India, owning of a car is still considered a luxury . विपुष्टि Ex:  A luxury, a luxury revolting विलासिता Ex:  Deploy a luxury उ:   महाराजा एक्सप्रेस भारत की सबसे कीमती विलासिता ट्रेन है। विवृद्धि Ex:  Everything in this house feels the wealth and luxury विशिष्ट भोजन Ex:  Horse, luxury dog विश्रमण Ex:  It also said the materials employed to this effect and, in particular, the Articles of luxury and taste that form domestic paving विषय सुख Ex:  It is often said, in a narrower sense, the luxury car or convenience of a particular श्रांति Ex:  Leave in the game, in luxury, in spending, Indulge the taste of the game, the luxury श्रीवृद्धि Ex:  Living in luxury समृद्धि Ex:  Make luxury assault, toilet, eloquence, knowledge, spirit, flattery, etc उ:   इससे उनकी समृद्धि में वृद्धि हुई। सलतंत Ex:  Reforming luxury सुकून Ex:  Small luxury book valuable by work or by matter, and is used for adornment सुख भोग Ex:  The excess luxury demoralizes a people सुखक्रिया Ex:  The format broadsides or as masculine name, the in- plano is a luxury format सुखासिका Ex:  The luxury clothes, table, etc सुपास Ex:  The luxury effeminate nation सोच्छ्वास Ex:  The luxury refinements स्फीतता Ex:  The new rich basks in a luxury automobile आनंद उ:   यहां पर पर्यटक बोटिंग का भी आनंद ले सकते हैं।
Other : ऐश Ex:  CP’s Empress ships became world-famous for their luxury and speed. भोग Ex:  His lifestyle would be restored to one of luxury उ:   उसी प्रकार भोग के अनुकूल उसके शरीर, योनि, कुल, देश, आदि सभी होते हैं। मौज Ex:  The Westin Book-Cadillac Hotel will include a number of luxury condos. विभव Ex:  All this luxury had fascinated उ:   इसका प्रयोग विद्युत परिपथ अथवा सेल का विभव मापने में किया जाता है। विलास Ex:  Cleanliness is the luxury of the poor उ:   लक्ष्मी विलास महल बड़ोदरा में स्थित है।
Luxury ki paribhasha : man ki vah uttam tatha priy anubhooti jisake dvaara anubhav karanevaale ka vishesh samaadhaan aur sntosh hota hai aur jisake baraabar bane rahane ki vah kaamana karata hai prasann ya praphullit karane ki kriya
Luxury synonyms
richness enjoyment comfort leisure extravagance opulence affluence sumptuousness exorbitance treat frill rarity satisfaction bliss splendor delight hedonism well-being intemperance gratification immoderation luxuriousness high living
Luxury antonyms
dissatisfaction sorrow upset economy frugality unhappiness misery disappointment austerity
Usage of Luxury in sentences

The word is used as noun in english grammar. The word can be used as noun in hindi and have more than one meaning. . 
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