Maculation meaning in hindi

How to pronounce Maculation
As noun : लक्ष्मविन्यास
Maculation synonyms
freckle blot bruise wart blotch smudge imperfection pimple snag stigma stain scar discoloration disgrace disfigurement chip birthmark second sight dent mole speck zit impurity speckle tarnish dishonor eyesore pock blur pockmark defacement deformity brand spot lump defect catch bloom bug blister vice fault taint patch lentigo macula whitehead hickey blackhead cicatrix nodule nevus beauty spot blot on the landscape
Maculation antonyms
blank clarity cleanliness perfection advantage embellishment ornament esteem honor beauty benefit strength adornment decoration
Usage of Maculation in sentences

The word is used as noun in english grammar. The word can be used as verb in hindi and have more than one meaning. 
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