Mad meaning in hindi

How to pronounce Mad
As noun : आपे से बाहर Ex:  I cant go through that lane,theres a mad pooch sitting by.
पगला Ex:  The tyrants of old never went so mad as Hitler seems to have gone. पगली Ex:  The crime of an obviously mad उ:   यह उगली और पगली नामक फिल्म के ताली नामक गाने के कारण जानी जाती हैं। बाउरि, बाऊरी Ex:  being exceedingly mad बाउलि Ex:  figuratively is said be done as a mad dog, be bizarrely dressed, ill-fitting
As adjective : अदुरदर्शी Ex:  stark mad उत्तेजित करना Ex:  Radha is a mad and peevish girl. उत्तेजित Ex:  The mad man was stoned to death by the villagers. उत्साहहेतुक Ex:  I'm mad about their new song . उदगारना Ex:  The boss— mad as a wet hen—dumped all over me . उदीरित Ex:  John has been mad at Mary for a week . उद्गगूर्ण Ex:  The boss is really mad today . उन्मत्तक Ex:  My mother is mad at me . ऊमंती Ex:  Wow, was she mad at Ed . क्रुद्ध करना Ex:  Tom is mad and is looking for you . खीपट Ex:  Don't let them get you mad . झुझकाना, झुझकावना Ex:  She got mad and stormed out . निर्दट, निर्दड Ex:  Horatio Alger had gone mad on drugs in Las Vegas. पागल करना Ex:  I lived with a man once who used to make me mad that way . पागल Ex:  A village mad उ:   वो पागल ही है, बस उसके शब्द सुनाई नहीं दे रहे। प्रतिचोदित Ex:  being bitten by a mad dog बेवकूफ़ई भरा Ex:  What enraged! Shouting like a mad बौड़हा Ex:  , A fool headed, A mad completed मदकल Ex:  , turned his head said of a man who went mad विक्षिप्त करना Ex:  I just witnessed a touching scene, a mad scene वेजित संकुपित संघुक्षण संचोदन संचोदित संरंभी संहृष्टी समद्धत सहसंवेग सिड़बिला, सिड़बिल्ला सोन्मद, सोन्माद हरिप्रिय हावलाबावला
Other : बावला Ex:  Fixed Pulley, mad उ:   बावला उपनाम के पीछे भी एक रोचक किस्सा है। वहशी Ex:  , Turned His Head Said of a man Who Went mad विक्षिप्त
Mad ki paribhasha : raaja ya baadashaah ke baithane ki jagah
Mad synonyms
fantastic frenzied delirious kooky nutty demented frantic absurd foolish psychotic aberrant bananas batty crazed cuckoo daft deranged distracted foolhardy frenetic illogical imprudent invalid irrational loony ludicrous lunatic mental non compos mentis nonsensical preposterous rabid raving senseless unbalanced unhinged unreasonable unsafe unsound unstable wacky of unsound mind off one's rocker out of one's mind resentful livid agitated furious distraught excited abandoned berserk enraged incensed infuriated irritated provoked raging uncontrolled wild wrathful exasperated fuming seeing red very upset nuts ardent avid devoted enthused fanatical fond hooked impassioned infatuated keen zealous enamoured
Mad antonyms
collected sane rational sensible wise ok disenchanted calm balanced reasonable sound cheered happy unenthusiastic cheerful composed peaceful pleased
Usage of Mad in sentences

The word is used as adjective in english grammar. The word can be used as noun or adjective in hindi and have more than one meaning. . 
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