Madman meaning in hindi

How to pronounce Madman
As noun : पागल आदमी Ex:  A madman advises indeed a wise, There is no man so little sense that some good advice we can not receive
बेवकूफ़ आदमी Ex:  He struggled like a madman
Other : उन्मत्त Ex:  The madman mutilates art work उन्मादी Ex:  This simply meant a madman
Madman ki paribhasha : yog men chitt ki vrattiyon ya avasthaaon men se ek jisamen chitt praayaः asthir rahata hai, par bich bich men kuchh sthir bhi ho jaata hai vah jo apadh aur jaahil ho
Usage of Madman in sentences

The word can be used as noun in hindi and have more than one meaning. . 
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