Magical meaning in hindi

How to pronounce Magical
As noun : जादुई Ex:  Link finds many magical masks of his own उ:   पूरे शृंखला में उसकी यह सबसे बड़ी जादुई अयोग्यता दिखाई गयी है।
As adjective :
एंद्रजालिक Ex:  A witch has magical powers. कृतशोभ Ex:  The symbol was also associated with magical charms which जादू सम्बन्धी Ex:  The magical Four Sword divides him into 2–4 identical Links . मायिक Ex:  Crowley travelled to Mexico and continued his magical studies in isolation. शानदार Ex:  Because of the association between knots and magical power उ:   अपने डेब्यू मैच में शानदार परफॉर्मेंस किया। शानी Ex:  A magical show
Other : ऐंद्रजालिक Ex:  Ten is a magical number. तिलस्मी Ex:  "It's a magical world, Hobbes, ol' buddy. उ:   बेरी जी की सभी पुस्तकें तिलस्मी उपन्यास हैं।
Magical ki paribhasha : jo badi sajaavat aur taiyaari ke saath ho
Magical synonyms
enchanted unusual magic mythical fascinating eerie spooky marvelous extraordinary otherworldly wonderful miraculous uncanny mysterious weird enchanting bewitched charismatic clairvoyant diabolic entrancing fiendish ghostly haunted imaginary magnetic mystic occult spectral spellbound thaumaturgic spellbinding conjuring demoniac ensorcelled entranced necromantic parapsychological runic sorcerous spiritualistic telekinetic witchlike wizardly
Magical antonyms
usual repulsive boring common familiar normal regular ordinary natural plain dull
Usage of Magical in sentences

The word is used as adjective in english grammar. The word can be used as noun or adjective in hindi and have more than one meaning. . 
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