Magician meaning in hindi
As noun : अहितुंडिक Ex: The magician chanted abracadabra before unveiling the box.
एन्द्रजालिक Ex: The magician levitated the woman काँमडगारौ Ex: Forced Card, a magician caught in someone who believes the select कृतिकर Ex: magic book with which the magician claimed to evoke the devils work miracles, etc कौसृतिक Ex: magician Bonnet चेटकी Ex: This painter, musician, poet is a true magician जादूगर उ: बचपन में हैरी को ये नहीं पता था कि वो एक जादूगर है। डीठबंध तिलस्माती मदारी मारगीर संश्चत्
Other : अभिचारक Ex: John is superstitious, he believes everything that a magician tells him. अभिचारी Ex: This magician startle everybody with his tricks. इंद्रजालिक Ex: That magician performs very great miracles. ऐंद्रजालिक Ex: The magician conjured seven white doves up . करामाती Ex: A magician who conjured the shadows गुणी Ex: Necromancer also said, by extension, a magician बाजी उ: जीती जाती हुई जिन्होंने भारत बाजी ।
Magician ki paribhasha : tarah tarah ke adabhut aur aashcharyajanak kraty karanevaala manushy ek prakaar ke musalamaan phakir jo bndara, bhaalou aadi nachaate aur laag ke tamaashe dikhaate hain
ExamplesMagician synonyms
genius wizard witch virtuoso charmer seer enchanter enchantress siren conjurer soothsayer sorcerer warlock medium shaman diviner trickster prophet voodoo genie marvel fortune-teller witch doctor satanist necromancer exorciser thaumaturge illusionist spellbinder diabolist exorcist feats or tricks archimage medicine person miracle worker theurgist Magician antonyms
amateur rookie Usage of Magician in sentences
The word is used as noun in english grammar. The word can be used as noun in hindi and have more than one meaning. .
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