Magisterial meaning in hindi
As adjective : अक्लिष्टवर्ण Ex:  Kindly finish your task, she said in a magisterial way.
अनन्यार्थ Ex:  official magisterial functions आधिकारिक Ex:  The first was R. W. Chapman's magisterial edition of Austen's collected works. उ: हांगकांग और मकाउ में कण्टोनी भाषा आधिकारिक है। दण्डाधिकारीय Ex:  He spoke with an air of a magisterial tone of a magisterial voice प्रमाणभूत Ex:  It is expressed even in the privacy of an air, a magisterial tone प्रमाणीक प्रामाणिक उ: बल्लाल के संबंध में प्रामाणिक जानकारी नहीं है। मजिष्ट्रेट विषयक मजिस्ट्रेट संबंधी मुस्तनत
Magisterial ki paribhasha : jo pratyaksh aadi pramaanon dvaara siddh ho
ExamplesMagisterial synonyms
autocratic egotistic imperious masterful pompous arrogant august bossy dictatorial dignified dogmatic judicial lofty lordly overbearing stately stuffy highhanded Usage of Magisterial in sentences
The word is used as adjective in english grammar. The word can be used as noun or adjective in hindi and have more than one meaning. .
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