Magpie meaning in hindi
As noun : कूड़ा करकट में से सामान उठाने वाला Ex:  A chattering magpie
कृष्णग्रीव Ex:  He thinks he has found the magpie nest is said by someone who s joke imagine having made some important discovery नीलकंठ Ex:  He thinks he has found the magpie nest, says a joke of a man who imagines making उ: नीलकंठ बैठा है चुप और उदास । नीलकण्ठ पक्षी Ex:  I am tired of hearing the chattering magpie पुण्यदर्शन Ex:  It is said that even being talkative as a magpie मेगपाई पक्षी Ex:  This the magpie bird flies, flying heron, flying partridge मैगपाई चिड़िया{मैना की जाति की} Ex:  Beautiful as the day, Quick as lightning, Communicative like a magpie are comparisons राजवि लीलकंठ
Other : मुटरी Ex:  popular magpie Name
ExamplesMagpie synonyms
hyena vulture blabbermouth windbag clack gossip busybody orator lecturer interlocutor speaker debater chatterer babbler babler collector squirrel accumulator gatherer hoarder saver Magpie antonyms
listener Usage of Magpie in sentences
The word is used as noun in english grammar. The word can be used as noun in hindi and have more than one meaning.
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