Maintenance meaning in hindi

How to pronounce Maintenance
As noun : अनुरक्षण Ex:  I need a car maintenance manual. उ:   इन संग्रहालयों का अनुरक्षण भारतीय पुरातत्व सर्वेक्षण विभाग करता है।
गुजारा Ex:  There were railway maintenance workshops in India उ:   इस जगह पांडवो ने अपने वनवास का काफी समय गुजारा किया था। गृहपोषण Ex:  Each of these public educational systems is responsible for its own maintenance निर्वाह Ex:  Currently is under a major maintenance program उ:   उसके बिना शरीर का निर्वाह भी संभव नहीं है। पुष्क Ex:  MRO applications for maintenance management पोषण Ex:  There is also a maintenance and training battalion deployed in Sierra Leone. उ:   इनका पालन पोषण पटना में हुआ था। प्रतिपालन Ex:  Apart from maintenance staff प्रपालन Ex:  It is also used as a freight and maintenance facility. भरण―पोषण Ex:  Assigning land for maintenance, maintenance of a school रखरखव Ex:  Chemin Royal, Royal Road, Grand Road, main road leading to a major city, and whose maintenance was the responsibility of central government रखरखाव Ex:  Civil engineering, name under which we understand everything about public administration in the construction and maintenance of roads, bridges, canals, etc उ:   आमतौर पर इन परिसरों का रखरखाव खराब है। संभरण Ex:  He said specifically that maintenance work one makes to houses सम्भरण Ex:  is the maintenance स‌ंधारण Ex:  It also said the benefits in kind or labor due inhabitants of commune for maintenance of local roads
Other : आभरण Ex:  He has to pay maintenance to his ex-wife. आलंबन Ex:  The gardener looks after the maintenance of the alleys. गुज़ारा Ex:  The maintenance of this building is very costly. निबाह Ex:  With his finances securing the maintenance of roads throughout Italy परिपालन Ex:  Vishnu is responsible for the maintenance or 'preservation' of the Universe उ:   यह भी उपासक के समान पंचशीलों के परिपालन का व्रत लेती है । बनाए रखना Ex:  For normal cellular maintenance बसर Ex:  A breaking stones, A worker who breaks stones or pebbles for the maintenance of a road उ:   उसके लिए जिंदगी बसर करने के सारे साधन दिए। भरण पोषण Ex:  Air, serious maintenance रख रखाव Ex:  By affixing voyer Agent, Officer of the construction and maintenance of local roads सँभाल Ex:  Domestic Government and everything related expenditure and maintenance of a family उ:   स्वतंत्रताप्राप्ति के बाद यह कार्य राज्य सरकार ने सँभाल लिया। संधारण Ex:  Ensemble of the sums paid for the start-up or development of a company, for the acquisition, maintenance or implementation of a thing
Maintenance ki paribhasha : chhndashaastr men ek gan ek chhoti aur asprashy jaati jo snjukt praant aur bihaar men paayi jaati hai bhojan vastr aadi dekar jivanaraksha nirvaah vah vastu ya vyaapaar jisase jivan ka nirvaah ho ek prakaar ki int jo yajn ki vedi men lagati thi kisi kram ya parnpara ka chala chalana
Maintenance synonyms
supply conservation upkeep preservation care aliment continuation bacon livelihood alimony living alimentation resources food subsistence provision bread continuance wherewithal keeping prolongation nurture salt allowance bread and butter repairs sustainment carrying retainment sustaining sustention
Maintenance antonyms
destruction negligence entertainment fun desertion ignorance neglect end finish stop forsaking
Usage of Maintenance in sentences

The word is used as noun in english grammar. The word can be used as noun in hindi and have more than one meaning. . 
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