Make a pass at meaning in hindi

How to pronounce Make a pass at
As verb :
आकर्षित होना
Make a pass at synonyms
invite solicit desire warn require demand request instruct tell direct charge proposition call enjoin summon order make a pitch make a play for attempt go for risk tackle undertake drive for give a go give a whirl go after go all out have a crack have a go have a rip have a shot have a stab have a whack make a stab make an attempt make an effort shoot for vie for do one's best attack work seek struggle essay contend contest wrangle propose labor aim aspire compete venture endeavor speculate strive bear down chip away at exert oneself knock oneself out lift a finger make a bid put oneself out
Make a pass at antonyms
reject reply listen answer not want surrender laze give in abstain ignore delight idle rest forget neglect give up agree please be idle
Usage of Make a pass at in sentences

The word is used as verb in english grammar. The word can be used as noun in hindi and have more than one meaning. 
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